Sunday 7 June 2015

Go bananas for beauty!

Go bananas for beauty!
Go bananas for beauty!

While it is known that this humble fruit may have a host of health benefits, bananas also offer several beauty benefits. Available throughout the year, bananas are a powerhouse of nutrients and are great for your skin and hair as well. Here are some benefits...

- The fruit contains generous amounts of vitamin C and B6, which ensure that your skin remains supple and elastic. Apart from that, bananas also have antioxidants that protect your skin from premature ageing.

- The water content present in bananas keeps your skin well hydrated so that it doesn't get flaky and dry. It works as a great moisturiser as well. This is because it comprises vitamin A, which helps your skin recover the moisture it has lost.

- One of the best ways to moisturise your skin is to use a mashed banana and liberally rub it all over your face and neck. After leaving the pulp on your face for about half an hour, wash it off.

- You also treat pigmented skin with bananas. Simply add a tablespoon of honey to banana pulp and apply it on your skin.

- Have to go to an important function and don't have time to visit the parlour? Simply take a banana and add yogurt, honey and almonds to it. Make a paste and apply it all over your face. Not only will this moisturise your face but also remove excess oil and add a glow to your skin.

- For those who want to get rid of marks and scars left on the skin due to acne and pimples, bananas are a helpful aid. The vitamin C they contain lightens blemishes caused by skin aggravation.

- Bananas also work as great exfoliators. Simply mix jaggery and mashed bananas together and use the paste as a scrub on your face and neck.

- Is the skin on your hands and heels dry, flaky or cracked? Let a banana come to your rescue. Simply mix mashed banana with some rose water and apply on the affected areas.

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