Sunday 7 June 2015

Lessons for long-time success

Lessons for long-time success
Lessons for long-time success
Dream for the stars with your feet on the ground, as you embark on your professional career.

1. Re-learn: One of your first learning has to be to unlearn, learn and relearn. You need to learn from everyone around you and from every situation around you. All that you are learning in college will be useful. But, please remember the practical world you enter tomorrow, will be different.It's like if you land on the moon, after spending four years on earth as an adult, the experience of earth may be useful in the future, but the moon is different. There are different gravitational forces, the air is different and water may taste different or may not even be there for you to drink. You have to Control+Alt+Delete your hard discs today as you enter this new world. Your internship will be your first reality check into the unknown world.

2. Excel: It is necessary for you to excel in whatever you do from today. Please remember that you have entered a new world where only the best will survive in the future. Some of best world corporations rated by the book "In search of Excellence" do not even exist today. It is necessary for you to excel in everything you do at work and life. If you are the best, nobody can ignore you.If you excel in your intern ship project, the organisation will be happy to offer you a job even before you finish your course.

3. Ambition: There are enough people around us, who have taught us as to how to convert your dream into reality. Whether it is Mahatma Gandhi, who dreamt of a free India and we enjoy being citizens of the world's biggest democracy or JRD Tata, who dreamt of India being the happiest country of the world, we have illustrious examples from history, who taught us from every day life as to how to dream and make that dream a reality. Be ambitious but not at the cost of others. Remember, none of us will take anything with us when we lie in our graves. Please remember to give back to the world as much as you get from it, if not more.

4. Morals: One of the issues, which will always challenge you in this professional world will be whether it is worth being ethical in everything you do in work and life.You will be surrounded by people who have made a fast buck using the shortest cut. You will wonder by looking at honest people around you who live in abject poverty and leave nothing behind for their children. But remember, you do not want to be a millionaire without a conscience. It's better to live a life full of happiness, warmth and love rather than live with money, hatred and sickness.

Dream for the stars but always have your feet on the ground. Be grateful to all the people, who have made you what you are today - your parents, your teachers, your family and your friends.

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