Friday 26 June 2015

Dark chocolate eases PMS symptoms

Dark chocolate eases PMS symptoms

Due to a monthly drop in estrogen and progesterone that procedes during periods, most of us get to experience these not-so-fun and disruptive symptoms.
These hormonal changes create a domino effect which results in yet another temporary drop in the "feel good" hormone serotonin as well as other endorphins.

Feeling irritated, depressed and tired are some of the common symptoms of PMS. These symptoms can last from three to seven days. While it may sound unpleasant, there are ways to alleviate your PMS symptoms.

Berries, calcium, vitamin E & B6 and magnesium are some elements that can help minimise the symptoms of PMS. Chocolate works wonders! Dark chocolate is known to contain magnesium and mood boosting omega 3 and 6 fatty acids that contains less sugar and no milk.

While PMSing, make sure to avoid foods that contain sugar, salt or caffeine. These foods lead to bloating, irritability, anxiety and depression which are associated with PMS.

Exercise is important too. Try and do moderate exercise, about 30 minutes of walking to lighten your mood and feel energetic.

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