Sunday 7 June 2015

Have you got ‘computer square eyes’?

Have you got ‘computer square eyes’?
Have you got ‘computer square eyes’?
"Don't sit too close to the TV...your eyes will go square!" You must have heard this a lot.

The term refers to detrimental effect on your sight as a result of those long hours spent looking at a computer, tablet or smartphone screen. In fact, experts are warning people about the increasing condition of 'square eyes', that happens as a result of spending up to eight hours a day staring at a screen. A site has quoted The Australasian College of Behavioural Optometrists on how high the risk was when it came to the quality of vision through poor reading and work habits.

Another study mentioned how people admitted spending up to 53 hours during a working week watching TV or staring at a computer screen. Experts have noted that the rate at which we blink decreases (on an average) by five times when we stare at a screen. Blinking lubricates our eyes and if we do it lesser and lesser, the eyes can get dry and hurt. The syndrome causes headache, tear-flow, inflammation, blurred vision and difficulty focusing, as well as risk of permanent damage to a person's retina or cornea.

How to tackle it:
1. Take regular breaks from reading - take a walk or look away every 15 seconds.
2. Always use anti-glare glasses or a screen.
3. Keep a distance from the computer.
4. Make sure the work area has sufficient lighting.
5. Try and keep blinking as this cuts into concentrating at the screen.

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