Friday 12 June 2015

Twitter Drops 140 Character Limit For Direct Messaging


Twitter looks to be on a roll, after revamping how long conversations will look on the user’s timeline, twitter is now all set to offer 10,000 character limit for direct messages, instead of the usual 140.
In case if user’s think that they twitter will soon support tweets with more than 140 characters, this is for you “You may be wondering what this means for the public side of Twitter. Nothing! Tweets will continue to be the 140 characters they are today,” the company wrote in a blog.
The new character limit will be applicable from July, and with this twitter aims to capture the growing instant messaging sector.
Twitter direct messaging will function more like Facebook now that the character limit has increased.
In April twitter had introduced a tweek through which user’s could receive direct messages to people they didn’t follow, earlier users could only direct message people they followed, and who followed them back.
Twitter had allowed the group messaging option to its direct messaging service, allowing more then two user’s to chat in groups.
Interestingly the news came out on the day when CEO Dick Costolo announced to step down from his position.

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