Saturday 6 June 2015

Stop believing these metabolism myths

Stop believing these metabolism myths
Stop believing these metabolism myths
Slow metabolism tops the list of reasons we discuss when talking about weight loss issues. From 'She's thinner than I am, because she has faster metabolism' to 'All the beers in the world can't give that guy a beer belly because he has fast metabolism,' we've said it all.

But how many of our beliefs in metabolism's miraculous effects on weight issues are actually true? Today, we're destroying some age-old metabolism myths that you should stop believing. Here they are...

Myth - Metabolism is genetic and can't change: Metabolism is a function of the human body breaking down food and producing energy for physical activities. While it may have something to do with genetics (in extreme inheritance of physical attributes), you can still work towards a fast metabolism. Metabolic rates can be increased through proper nutrition and exercise, something which is definitely in your control as an adult.

Fact - You can change your metabolism through diet and exercise, irrespective ofwhat you might have inherited.

Myth - Men and women have the same metabolism: Female bodies store more fat than male bodies, especially in the lower body. Men also tend to have leaner and denser muscle, and their muscle density lasts well into their 40s even in the absence of rigorous activity. Therefore based on the thumb-rule that muscle tissue burns energy more efficiently than fat tissue, a man's metabolic rate will be faster than a woman's.

Fact - Whie men and women have varying metabolic rates, boosting metabolism is a matter of discipline as much as inherited and gender metabolism.

Myth - Metabolism remains the same across all ages: Our bodies deteriorate as we age, more so in the absence of adequate fitness. The ageing human body reduces muscle composition, and begins storing fat - more than it did earlier. This reduces the metabolic rate. All else being equal, a man gains weight due to slower metabolism much after his female counterpart. All because their organs are larger, and their muscles remain denser and toned for a lot longer than women.

Fact - Women need to focus more on muscle building exercise well into middle age, to continue a healthy metabolic rate.

Myth - Green tea increases metabolism: You can blame health study reports here, since they cite studies that claim spicy foods and green tea boost metabolism. But this is only the half-truth. Any food will only boost metabolism for a short period of time - and not forever. To maintain a speedy metabolism you have to follow a 360degree fitness plan of nutrition and exercise.

Fact - Only a well balanced diet of fats, protein and carbs can help you improve your metabolic rates to aid optimal weight management.

Myth - Only minimeals help speed up metabolism: Whether 6 minimeals or 3 main meals, your metabolism rate will only increase based on your daily food intake's composition. The only difference will be in your energy levels. Which meal plan you follow, should be for the purpose of how much constant energy you need in your day. This is purely a function of stabilising your blood sugar levels to curb cravings and energy slumps. Their impact on metabolism is fleeting at best.

Fact - Only a well balanced division of food intake through the day can improve over-all health, which includes metabolic rates.

Myth - Eat dinner before 6pm to speed up metabolism: Once again, 'when you eat' isn't the key to a metabolic rate that is efficient for weight loss. Most fad diets advise people to eat before sun-down, simply to curb late-night binges, and sometimes even to deal with digestion issues. A healthy metabolism is the resule of a balanced give and take between food intake and exertion - and nothing else.

Fact - You can eat at any time of the day or night, as long as you follow a healthy diet and fitness routine.

Myth - Crash dieting will speed up metabolism: Contrary to popular belief, efficient metabolism is actually where the body stores extra fat. This is your body's survival instinct, its way to combat deprivation or starvation. Therefore, when you eat less, experience physical injury, or acute mental stress - your body's first reaction is to start storing energy, in other words: Fat. Crash diets set your body off on a starvation mode, thereby creating a long-term issue with a slower metabolic rate.

Fact - Eat nutritious food at regular intervals to maintain a healthy metabolic rate and achieve your weight goals.

Myth - I don't need to weight train: Yes, aerobic activity does boost cardiovascular health, which eventually affects fat loss, but it is the weight training that does the real work. Weight workouts increase muscle mass and tone, directly resulting in a faster metabolic rate, since muscle burns energy more efficiently than fat. The more lean muscle you have, the faster your metabolism will work.

Fact - Maintain lean muscle with weight training to avoid weight gain through slow metabolism. This is esp. crucial as you grow older and lose natural muscle tone.

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