Friday 5 June 2015

The good milk guide

The good milk guide

We used to be told it was the healthiest drink around. But the latest scientific evidence suggests that too much of the wrong sort of milk may cause the high levels of heart disease in the UK.
A study in the Medical Hypotheses journal showed that high intakes of a protein found in many forms of cow's milk, although not in that produced by Guernsey cows, could be a risk factor for the killer disease.
Experts are concerned that the theory, which is not conclusive, could lead to a backlash against milk. In Britain, the nation's consumption of fresh milk has slumped to an all-time low and is declining at a rate of 2pc a year.
In 1989, the annual amount of milk consumed in UK households was 5,500 million litres, which had dropped to 4,950 million litres last year and will be just 4,800 million litres by the end of 2001.
Nutrition scientist Sarah Schenker, from the British Nutrition Foundation, says the trend is not good news. 'Dairy products form an important food group in the UK diet and people should consume some every day,' she says.
'Otherwise, they risk missing out on important vitamins and minerals such as calcium, vitamin A, iron and phosphorus.'
Milk has many disease-fighting properties. It is important in the prevention of osteoporosis, the bone-thinning disease that affects 30pc of women.
And last year scientists discovered that milk from Holstein-Friesian cows on Shetland contains five times as many of the beneficial conjugated linoleic fatty acids as normal and, they suggested, may help in the fight against breast cancer.
But which milk is the healthiest? Here we provide our guide to the healthiest pint and give each pinta a rating out of a possible five:
Whole cow's milk
Calories per pint: 370. Fat: 22 grams.
Known as a 'complete food' because it contains so many nutrients, cow's milk is especially rich in protein, calcium, zinc, vitamins A and B as well as iodine. The National Osteoporosis Society recommends growing teenagers consume 1,000mg and adults 800mg of calcium each day to protect their bones and that, for many people, milk is as good a source as any of the mineral.
Only tinned pilchards and sardines eaten with their bones provide more calcium weight for weight than milk does.
Semi-skimmed cow's milk
Calories: 255. Fat: 9.9 grams.
Vitamin A, which is fat-soluble, is lost when cream is skimmed off whole milk, so you need to get it from other sources, such as carrots. Like whole milk, semi-skimmed and skimmed contain valuable amounts of all the B vitamins, phosphorous and zinc.
If you buy milk by the bottle, rather than the carton, beware that it can lose more than half of its vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and content if it is left outside and exposed to daylight.
Skimmed cow's milk
Calories: 195. Fat: 0.5 grams.
Skimmed milk contains 0.1pc fat and about half the calories of the full-fat version. However, it retains most of its nutrients and because the fat is removed, skimmed milk contains slightly more water-soluble B vitamins and calcium.
It is useful for anyone trying to cut down on the fat content in their diet, but shouldn't be given to children under five because of its low calorie, fat and vitamin content.
Channel Island cow's milk
Calories: 445. Fat: 28.0 grams.
Milk from the Channel Islands herds is creamy and much higher in fat than regular cow's milk and many people still prefer it to low fat varieties. Channel Islands gold foil top milk has attracted much scientific attention. The latest research suggests that Guernsey cows produce a healthier variety than Jersey herds.
A study in the Medical Hypotheses journal claims that a special milk protein called beta-casein A1 - that isn't present in milk from Guernsey herds - could be linked to higher rates of heart disease.
The same protein has also been linked to diabetes, although none
of the studies has yet been confirmed and experts are sceptical about their merit.
Soya milk
Calories: 205. Fat: 12.6 grams.
Soya milk has never enjoyed such popularity - many coffee shops offer it as an alternative for people with an intolerance to cow's milk. America's Food and Drug Administration allows manufacturers to carry claims that soya-based products can help to lower blood cholesterol levels and have heart-protective benefits.
It also contains a phytochemical substance called geinstein that is thought to inhibit the formation of blood vessels that assist in the growth of small tumours and some studies have linked it to cancer prevention.
Goat's milk
Calories: 395. Fat: 23.5 grams.
Although nutritionally similar to cow's milk, goat's milk is useful for people with a lactose intolerance.
However, it contains a substance that binds with vitamin B12 to prevent it from being absorbed and a vitamin B12 deficiency, with similar symptoms to iron-deficiency anaemia, has been found in some young children fed on it.
Rice milk
Calories: 278. Fat: 5.6 grams.
A popular alternative to dairy milks for vegans and those with an intolerance to lactose. It is usually made with filtered water, brown rice syrup and brown rice starch and often has thickening agents added.
It is heat stable which makes it a good replacement for cow's milk in cooking, although it tends to have a sweeter taste.
Most rice milks are fortified with calcium, vitamin D and vitamin A.
Coconut milk
Calories: 228. Fat: 2.5 grams.
Considering that coconut oil is high in saturated fat, the fresh, sweet-tasting milk from the heart of the coconut is surprisingly low in calories.
It can be served as a drink although it is more often used as a marinade in cooking. Its protein content is very low compared with cow's milk.
Coconut milk sold in super-markets is not usually fresh and is produced instead by squeezing liquid from grated coconut flesh and water.
Its nutritional and calorific value is lower than the fresh version.

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