Sunday 7 June 2015

Pregnancy: Top myths to avoid when pregnant

Pregnancy: Top myths to avoid when pregnant
Pregnancy: Top myths to avoid when pregnant
When you are pregnant you tend to go overboard with superstitions when it comes to diet or fitness.

Expecting mothers will keep their pregnancy hush hush till the bump begins to show and people start to notice. They also believe that you need to eat more as you are eating for two. And the best myth about pregnancy is the size of the bump reveals the gender of the baby. Silly, yes but still a widely followed belief. Traditions and grandmothers tells you to do this and don't do that but science reveals that these myths or 'facts' are baseless. Dr. Sadhana Singhal, Senior Consultant for Obstetrics & Gynecology with Delhi based Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute demystifies these myths and explains the truth. These are top myths that pregnant mothers should avoid.

Top myth #1 to avoid when pregnant

When you are pregnant you tend to go overboard with superstitions when it comes to diet or fitness. Expecting mothers will keep their pregancy hush hush till the bump begins to show and people start to notice. They also believe that you need to eat more as you are eating for two. And the best myth about pregnancy is the size of the bump reveals the gender of the baby. Silly, yes but still a widely followed belief. Traditions and grandmothers tells you to do this and don't do that but science reveals that these myths or 'facts' are baseless. Dr. Sadhana Singhal, Senior Consultant for Obstetrics & Gynecology with Delhi based Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute demystifies these myths and explains the truth. These are top myths that pregnant mothers should avoid.

Top myth #2 to avoid when pregnant

Eating some things will lead to miscarriage

Miscarriages happen due to various reasons like hereditary factors or lack of rest but a mother should get nutrition from different sources. Gynecologist explains, "There is a common belief that eating raw papaya and pineapples can cause an miscarriage. But as far as ripe fruits and vegetables are concerned, eating them in moderation will be of no harm to the unborn baby. However, the medical experts agree that unripe papaya can cause uterine contraction and can be unsafe for a pregnant woman."

Top myth #3 to avoid when pregnant

Shape of the stomach reveals the gender of the baby

Gynecologist Dr. Sadhana makes a vital point, "If this would have been the case, then ultrasound machines and professionals in the medical fraternity would have had to look out for another profession. This weird notion has no scientific basis. The shape and elevation of the belly of a pregnant mother is determined largely by the original shape of her abdomen, her uterine and muscle tone, the strength of the abdominal muscles and to some extent by the position of the baby."

Top myth #4 to avoid when pregnant

No sexual indulgence during pregnancy

"Sex doesn't hurt the baby physically who is otherwise fully protected by the amniotic sac and strong uterine muscles. But you still need to watch out for sexually transmitted infections that pregnancy doesn't protect against. If you have a normal, low-risk pregnancy, don't concern yourself. Keep the frequency of sex low and keep it gentle." Ensures the doctor, there is no reason to shy away from sex while your pregnant.

Top myth #5 to avoid when pregnant

Eat for two people

This is a common misconception that every mother should eat for two and Dr. Sadhana nullifies this claim, "It is an absolute myth and completely baseless. Just because you are bearing another life inside you, it doesn't mean that you will have to eat double the course you normally have. However, you have to take care of your health and pay extra attention on your nutrition intake. You do require extra calories but a normal diet which shall be high on protein."

Top myth #6 to avoid when pregnant

Limit your physical activities

Rest is required for expecting mothers but they can still carry on with their daily work. Dr. Sadhana explains the guidelines of physical activities, "There is no such thing like a pregnant woman needs to restrict her activities to a minimum. No doubt some form of activities should be avoided, but one can continue with a normal routine of physical movement. There is no need to exert as strenuous exercises may cause fatigue. Your body can handle many things apart from walking. Consult your doctor and stay normal doing usual activities."

Top myth #7 to avoid when pregnant

Avoid flying in your first and last trimester

There is no reason why you cannot fly when you're pregnant. But there are airlines that will not let you take their flight in your last trimester out of fear that you may go into labour and mess up the plane.

Top myth #8 to avoid when pregnant

Do not pet a cat when pregnant

Apparently there is a thin line with this myth on pregnancy. You can pet the cat but you should not clear the cat pooh as it contains toxoplasmosis which can increase the risk of birth defects in your baby.

Top myth #9 to avoid when pregnant

Colouring your hair is harmful for the baby

You can still look pretty when you are pregnant. You don't have to look boring so ahead apply make-up, nail paint and colour your hair. None of the products will affect the baby. There is no scientific link between the two.

Top myth #10 to avoid when pregnant

Bigger the baby, the better

Everyone wants a healthy baby but at what cost? Eating for two can make your babies chubby and cute but a 'chubby' baby can be over weight. This unhealthy weight is not healthy for the baby. The baby will have a high chance of experiencing health problems later in life.

Top myth #11 to avoid when pregnant

Walking can induce labour faster

Walking can make you feel better but it cannot make you go into labour faster.

Top myth #12 to avoid when pregnant

If you have heartburn during pregnancy the baby will have a mop of hair.

This is completely baseless; heartburn is not a sign that your baby will have thick hair growth. Heartburn is a digestive problem and has no links to the growth of hair on your baby.

Top myth #13 to avoid when pregnant

Craving salty food, then it's a boy!

It is often believed that if a mother craves for salty food then it's a boy and if the mother desires sweet food then it's a girl. To determine the sex of the child we have the latest in technology, called ultrasound. But in India, we go by the taste buds which is not the right parameter for sex determination. Planning a nursery, go for a neutral colour.

Top myth #14 to avoid when pregnant

Stay off fish

Fish has important nutrients that should not be avoided by a mother. Omega 3 fatty acids is important for a pregnant mother. But mothers are advised to cook the fish in order to avoid bacteria and parasites.

Top myth #15 to avoid when pregnant

Sleep on your left and avoid sleeping on your back

There are only few reasons why you will be advised to sleep on the left:

- If you have kidney problems

- If there are problems with fetus development

- Or if you have high blood pressure

Top myth #16 to avoid when pregnant

Spicy food can trigger labour

Food and spices cannot induce labour as labour is triggered by biological process. Doctors will advise you to follow a healthy diet and to eat in moderation. Spices will most like give you a heartburn but trigger labour is nonsense.

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