Saturday 6 June 2015

Lauki juice — the secret remedy for urinary tract infections

lauki juice for UTI
Do you experience a burning sensation while passing urine? Are you suffering from pain and irritation in the urinary tract frequently? Well, if you experience these symptoms of urinary tract infection and feel that medications are not helping you, here is a natural remedy that you can try. High in water content and packed with essential nutrients, bottle gourd (lauki) juice is an excellent remedy to deal with urinary tract infections. Even including bottle gourd in your diet is a good idea!
How does it help?
One of the common symptoms of urinary tract infection is the burning sensation, which is caused due to high levels of acid in the urine. Lauki juice contains 96% water, exerting a cooling effect on the body. Being alkaline in nature, this juice acts as a powerful diuretic agent, providing relief from the burning sensation while passing urine.
How to use it?
To relieve burning sensation and pain during urination, drink a glass of freshly prepared lauki juice in the morning, on an empty stomach. Here’s how to prepare this drink.
  • You can either grate lauki to extract its juice or use juicer.
  • Add a whole lemon (with its rind) while juicing. This will make the juice rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, thereby aiding in quick relief.
  • You can also add some pudina (or coriander leaves) to further enhance its cooling and antibacterial properties.
  • Finally, add a pinch of rock salt (kala namak). Mix the ingredients and drink it to prevent recurrent urinary tract infections.
Apart from drinking lauki juice, here are few tips you should keep in mind.
  • Follow proper hygiene and sanitation practices to attain quick relief.
  • Bottle gourd juice that tastes bitter might damage your digestive health, so avoid consuming it.
Drink lauki juice daily for few days to experience the difference by yourself. Also, you can add vegetables, fruits or spices (black pepper) to make it tastier and healthy.

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