Monday 1 June 2015

How to lose weight without the gym!

How to lose weight without the gym!

We know how you feel about the gym. Very few actually like visiting the four-walled equipment heavy prison that has come to be synonymous with fitness and weight loss.

While workouts are crucial for optimal weight management, here are some quick tips that will help you stay in shape even if you're unable to go to the gym every day.

Turn that TV off: According to a Food Quality & Preference study, people who dine in a loud and noisy setting are less likely to really taste what they're eating. People tend to overlook the subtle flavours of the food and eat more when they eat while watching TV. So, switch that TV off and enjoy your food. You will feel fuller, more satiated and less tempted to binge on seconds and thirds.

Avoid eating at your desk: According to a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people who eat in front of the computer are 'distracted eaters' and find it hard to recall what they eat. Thus, they tend to overeat mindlessly. So, simply go to your pantry, sit in a group, enjoy eating your food, and avoid mindlless munching.

Eat first and shop later: If you shop on an empty stomach, chances are you'll be tempted to binge at the food court later on. Nibble on a snack or a two before you hit the malls and stores. This will help you stay away from impulsive and unhealthy food choices. Or better still? Munch on an apple and eat it all the way while shopping.

Always prepare a shopping list: Pen down all the items you need and stick to your food list. Shopping without setting a goal in your mind may tempt you to buy things that you don't need. Not only will this keep clutter at bay, it'll also help you stick to planned, balanced meals - all on a budget that's healthy for your wallet as well!

Eating out? Research that menu! Don't subject yourself to unhealthy surprises. They may easily tempt you into eating foods that you wouldn't eat otherwise. Extensively research the restaurant's menu online, and if you crave a high-fat dish, just remember to budget your food intake accordingly. Stick to the plan of healthy eating, and nothing can make you a mindless binger!

Know your enemy: According to Carnegie Mellon University researchers, picturing yourself eating a meal you crave in complete detail helps avoid binge eating. Simply put, if you are repeatedly thinking about eating a certain kind of food, visualising the meal might actually lessen, and perhaps end your desire of eating it in reality. This visualisation exercise will also reveal if you are truly hungry or if you just crave a distraction, and not another meal.

Do not starve: Let yourself indulge in your favourite food at times. We don't want you to crash and burn. Allow yourself a few treats now and then, in order to avoid mental and psychological pressure of sticking to a stringent routine forever. People who tend to starve themselves, lose important fluids, nutrients, and muscle tissue. Lack of essential nutrition in the body also leads to hypotension, dry mouth, and bad breath.

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