Wednesday 3 June 2015

Get rid of a nagging headache, naturally

Get rid of a nagging headache, naturally
Get rid of nagging headache, naturally 

Many people instantly reach out to allopathic medicines (aspirin, paracetamol, etc.) as soon as they get a headache. It is not that they are unaware of the side-effects; they are, but situations such as an important meeting ahead, a toddler nagging them, etc., increase the urgency to be rid of the headache!

Understandable! Nobody likes headaches. But, next time, please try one of these home remedies before you pop a pill.

1. Boil water. Add a spoonful of coriander seeds. Let it boil for a while till you are able to smell the coriander strongly. Switch off the stove and add half a spoon of tea leaves to the concoction. Close the vessel, and let it stand for a few minutes. Filter and drink it as it is without adding any sweeteners. Sleep or sit down and relax for just ten minutes. If you are lucky, your headache will be gone by this time.

2. Ginger is also a wonderful medicine for headache. If you don't mind munching on a piece of peeled ginger as it is, perhaps with a dollop of honey, nothing like it. Else, add a spoonful of chopped ginger to 1 ½ cups of hot water, and let it boil for a few minutes. Then, filter, add some honey and drink it. What a tasty way to banish your headache!

3. If your headache is due to tension, then chamomile tea works wonders for it! Nowadays, dried chamomile flower is available in most organic shops. You just need to add a spoonful of the flowers to a glass of freshly boiled water, allow it to infuse for a few minutes, filter and enjoy with a dash of honey. Else, you can buy pure chamomile tea bags (Korakundah is a good brand). This will come in handy when your head aches during office hours!....

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