Sunday 7 June 2015

Gardening can make you happier

Gardening can make you happier
Here's how you can de-stress the green way
Are you tired combating the daily stress? Gardening can help you

The daily grind can really take a toll on you and make your life stressful and unhappy. Of course, regular yoga and meditation can help immensely, but then, not everyone can do that. Sometimes, opting for something as simple as planting a sapling can make you feel better and de-stressed. Doesn't sound convincing enough? Try it for a few weeks and see the difference it makes to your psyche.

There are people who take an interest in gardening as it gives them the satisfaction of seeing their flowers, fruits and vegetables grow, and some do it to show off their garden to others. However, gardening does benefit us in many ways. According to research, gardening is known to have therapeutic effects on our stressed nerves. It helps us wind down. And that particular feeling, of having created something, is a powerful elixir that can take us a long way towards feeling happy, relaxed and totally de-stressed. And psychologists say that gardening is not just an enjoyable pastime, it can also help deal with depression.

Here are a few pointers on how gardening benefits us in more than one way:

Getting physical
Gardening involves a lot of physical work, which is similar to exercise. Most of the time you are walking, picking up things, bending down — these constant motions help you stay active and fit without the rigorous gym routine.

The emotional story
The digging, chopping and hitting motions are cathartic and help you release all your pent-up negative emotions.

Calming effect
While gardening, all that closeness with Mother earth — the feel of wet soil on your skin while you work with your hands — leaves a soothing and calming effect on the entire nervous system that in turn helps in easing out tensions. Somehow, that connect with the elements — earth, water and wind — goes a long way to help you de-stress.

Positivity and inspiration
Your garden can prove to be extremely inspiring — with beautiful colours and shades of flowers and leaves, and the interesting smells prove to be inspiring. It can uplift your mood and fill you with positivity.

Being a creator
When you plant, you get that feel of starting a new life and it makes you feel responsible for their well-being. Taking care, watering etc., makes you feel like their provider.

It is about patience
You cannot rush through gardening — time is an important factor. But then, the results are worth all the wait.

The climate ideal for planting
The ideal time for tomatoes is a warm-season and since we live in Mumbai — it works through the year for us. The best time is January to March i.e. the end of winter and through spring.

Going organic was never this easy
Being able to pluck fresh vegetables and fruits from your garden is a liberating idea. And of course, all the organic food will prove to be extremely beneficial, healthier and also tastier.

A good dose of vitamin D
Gardening is not only therapeutic emotionally but all that sunlight can prove to be great for you. The healthy dose of vitamin D that you get when you are out in the garden is essential.

How to grow your own tomatoes...
Planting the seed: Sow the seeds in a warm sunny spot (or place the pot there). The plant will need sun (around six hours), so make sure you place it right.

The right soil: Well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter is good. Avoid too much animal manure.

Help the sapling grow: Tomatoes are natural climbers, so you need to give them a short sturdy stake.

Pick them when red-ripe: Over-ripened tomatoes lose sweetness.

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