Tuesday 9 June 2015

Attention Facebook users! 'Unfriend Alert' app can steal your data

Facebook users beware! The UnfriendAlert app does not seem to work as promoted and might have even conceded user's credentials said Malwarebytes.org.

UnfriendAlert asserts to check if a Facebook user's friend has unfriended him or her but will need the user to log in.
In a blogpost Malwarebytes' Pieter Arntz said, "Looking at a Wireshark log for this check however shows that the login credentials are not sent directly to Facebook but to yougotunfriended.com."
Also, Arntz said that giving login credentials is "a bad idea in the first place."
Malwarebytes recommended Facebook users to remove this potentially unwanted program and also change their Facebook password.
Arntz stated, "In general it is a bad idea to give your Facebook credentials away, especially to a third-party app. The functionality of this app can also be found in Facebook apps like Unfriend Checker, which seems to make a bit more sense to me."
Malwarebytes said it has established that the UnfriendAlert app is adware and can show ads "not originating from the sites you are browsing."

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