Monday 8 June 2015

5 reasons why blueberries are a superfood for diabetics

Blueberries are a powerhouse of antioxidants and can help a diabetic in various ways. Having a handful of these small, round, sweet-sour flavoured fruit can help increase sensitivity to insulin and the body’s ability to process glucose into energy effectively. Here a 5 reasons for eating blueberries.
1. Maintain blood sugar level: Blueberries have a low glycemic index, which means they release sugar into the blood slowly and steadily. Half a cup of blueberries mid-morning helps to maintain the blood sugar level and keeps you active without any dip in your energy levels till your next meal. Here are five things a diabetic can do this summer to stay safe.
2. Low in calories: We love foods that we can eat and not worry about calories. With low-carbohydrate content and more flavonoids and antioxidants, they make a great low-calorie snack. They also have fructose a type of sugar that doesn’t need insulin for metabolism. Here is the ultimate diet plan for diabetics to control blood sugar level. 
3. Improve insulin sensitivity: The problem with diabetics, especially people suffering from type II diabetes, is that their body cannot utilise insulin effectively. According to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, the flavonoid anthocyanin that gives pigmentation to the fruit helps improve sensitivity to insulin. Eating blueberries helps insulin to metabolise glucose and control high blood sugar level. Here are 10 home remedies for diabetics that really work. 
4. Fight abdominal fat: Blueberries are also rich in fibre, which helps to digest carbohydrates better. This helps you abdominal fat. Excess abdominal fat secretes hormones that promote insulin resistance and make blood sugar go haywire. Here is what you need to know about the link between diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
5. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease: Blueberries help to control blood pressure, and its antioxidants keep the cholesterol levels in check. So you can not only keep your with blood sugar level in check, but also take care of your heart with these wonder berries.
How to have them:
  • You can have them raw. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, one cup serving of blueberries contains just 83 calories.
  • You can make a smoothie with skimmed milk.
  • Add few blueberries to your breakfast cereal and make it wholesome.
  • Love fruit yoghurt? Then add these berries to it and enjoy.
Where to get them:
They aren’t easily available like strawberries or cranberries, but you can get them from online stores and high-end supermarkets that sell exotic fruits.
Image source: Shutterstock

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