Wednesday 30 September 2015

Listen Up: High Levels of Arsenic Found in Red Wine in the US

Listen Up: High Levels of Arsenic Found in Red Wine in the US

A new and shocking study that tested 65 red wines from top four wine-producing states of US - California, Washington, New York and Oregon found high levels of arsenic in 98 percent of them.

Researchers found all but one have arsenic levels that 
exceed what is allowed in drinking water. The US Environmental
 Protection Agency allows drinking water to contain no more than 
10 parts per billion of arsenic. The wine samples ranged from
 10 to 76 parts per billion, with an average of 24 parts per billion.
 However, a companion study concluded that the likely health 
risks from that naturally-occurring toxic element depend on 
how many other foods and beverages known to be high in 
arsenic, such as apple juicerice, or cereal bars, an individual person eats.
The highest risks from arsenic exposure stem from certain types of infant formulas, the study estimated. "Unless you are a heavy drinker consuming wine with really high concentrations of arsenic, of which there are only a few, there's little health threat if that's the only source of arsenic in your diet," said Denise Wilson, professor at University of Washington.
"If you are eating a lot of contaminated rice, organic brown rice syrup, seafood, wine, apple juice - all those heavy contributors to arsenic poisoning - you should be concerned, especially pregnant women, kids and the elderly," said Wilson. Arsenic is a naturally occurring element that is toxic to humans in some forms, and can cause skin, lung and bladder cancers, and other diseases.
The University of Washington study is the first peer-reviewed research in decades to look at the arsenic content of American wines. As a group, they had higher arsenic levels than their European counterparts, likely due to the underlying geology of US wine growing regions.
The study looked at red wines, except from two areas in Washington where only white wines were produced, because they are made with the skin of grapes where arsenic that is absorbed from soil tends to concentrate. Wilson also tested for lead, which is a common co-contaminant. The study found lead in 58 per cent of the samples, but only 5 per cent - all from New York - exceeded drinking water standards.
Washington wines had the highest arsenic concentrations, averaging 28 parts per billion, while Oregon's had the lowest, averaging 13 parts per billion. "There were no statistical differences among Washington, New York and California," Wilson said. "The only star in the story is Oregon, where arsenic concentrations were particularly low," she said. The two studies appeared in the Journal of Environmental Health.

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Walk in office to be save from vascular dysfunction

Walk in office to be save from vascular dysfunction
Walk in office to be save from vascular dysfunction 

A new study has revealed that vascular health can be restored, if employees, who sit at their desks for eight-hours and complain for impaired vascular function, walk for just 10 minutes around the office after a prolonged period of sitting. 

The study conducted by University of Missouri School of Medicine compared the vascular function of 11 healthy young men before and after a period of prolonged sitting and found that blood flow in the popliteal i.e. an artery in the lower leg was greatly reduced after sitting at a desk for six hours. 

Later, scientists asked researchers to take a short walk, and noticed that 10 minutes of self-paced walking could restore the impaired vascular function and improve blood flow. 

Jaume Padilla, lead author of the study, said that their study observed that when employees sit for six straight hours, or the majority of an eight-hour work day, blood flow to the legs was greatly reduced. 

Padilla added that when one has decreased blood flow, the friction of the flowing blood on the artery wall, called shear stress, is also reduced, which appear to be detrimental and reduce the ability of the artery to dilate, a sign of vascular health. 

The researchers concluded that it's important for people to understand the effects of sitting on their vascular health. By breaking up desk time with a short walk, workers can offset the harm caused to vascular blood vessels. 

The research is published in Experimental Physiology journal.

Diet according to blood type

Diet according to blood type
Singer Cheryl Tweedy follows the blood type diet to maintain her fitness

Tired of different diets? Follow the blood type diet, favourite among Hollywood celebs 

The blood group diet has long been the diet secret of many enviable Hollywood stars' bodies — now Girls Aloud singer Cheryl Tweedy admits she is a fan too. "My mum told me about Eat Right For Your Type, which shows you what to eat and what to avoid depending on your blood type," she said in a recent interview. "It's made such a difference to my energy levels. Now I believe in it 100 per cent." 

Other followers swear it works when it comes to shedding fat, boosting energy and even preventing illness. 

Each blood type evolved at a different point in history so we should adopt diets similar to those our ancestors had when our blood group evolved. By eating foods that your personal blood type can easily digest, you will lose weight, feel healthier and be happier. 

Blood group O's plan 
O is the oldest blood group, so people with this type feel best and stay slimmest on a 'hunter' type diet like our ancestors. Os tend to be high achievers with lots of energy and are very organised. 
Drop a dress size: Follow a high-protein diet — being vegetarian will mean you're always hungry and snack on carbs, causing problems with blood sugar and metabolism. 
Foods to eat freely: Lean meats, fish. Foods to avoid: Too much dairy or carbs. 
Personal exercise plan: An hour of cardio a day and workout in the morning rather than the evening. Jogging, cycling, swimming or brisk walking are also perfect. 

Blood group B's plan 
No blood type epitomises the 'everything in moderation' expression more than B. It evolved at a time when people travelled more, so meat, vegetables and grains were eaten in a more balanced way. You have a strong, healthy constitution and tend to be very downto-earth and practical. 
Drop a dress size: Combining the O and A diet — a bit of everything. Lucky type Bs generally find it easiest to lose weight. 
Foods to eat freely: Meat, fish, coffee, vegetables and wheat-free grains. 
Foods to avoid: Processed foods. 
Personal exercise plan: You're drawn to moderate exercise, which uses your brain as well as your body. Team sports such as netball or dancing classes, two to three times a week are perfect. 

Blood group A's plan 
This blood group evolved later than O, when people farmed more than hunted, so you need less protein and more grains. Group As tend to be highly creative, good problem-solvers and can be very sensitive. 
Drop a dress size: Eat less meat and more vegetables, wholemeal carbs. Foods to eat freely: Nuts, seeds, cereals, pasta, fruit and vegetables. 
Foods to avoid: Dairy if prone to allergies, too much meat. 
Personal exercise plan: Group As are often less active than Os, needing just 30 minutes of gentle exercise a day. Yoga, Tai Chi, walking and an outdoor lifestyle suit As best. 

Blood group AB's plan 
A combination of types A and B, you have dietary components of both and can eat just about anything. ABs have a canny knack of being creative, having a good head for business and getting on with people. 
Drop a dress size: Avoid too much meat. Pack your diet with vegetarian foods and treat meat as a treat. 
Foods to eat freely: Fish, vegetables, carbs and grains. 
Foods to avoid: Too much meat. 
Personal exercise plan: Mix it up by appealing to your calm side with yoga or Pilates once a week and a couple of sessions of something more intense such as light jogging. 

Celeb following 
These stars followed a blood group diet and got themselves in shape 
Demi Moore, 47, the Charlie's Angels actress found the weight stayed off when she switched to a blood type diet. 

Liz Hurley, 45, and her former boyfriend Hugh Grant are said to share a fondness for the diet as a weight-loss strategy. 

Why men store fat in bellies, women on hips

Researchers claim to have answered the age-old question of why men store fat in their bellies and women store it in their hips - the fat tissue is almost completely different, genetically speaking that is.

"Given the difference in gene expression profiles, a female fat tissue won't behave anything like a male fat tissue and vice versa," Dr. Clegg said. "The notion that fat cells between males and females are alike is inconsistent with our findings."
In humans, men are more likely to carry extra weight around their guts while pre-menopausal women store it in their butts, thighs and hips.

The bad news for men is that belly, or visceral, fat has been associated with numerous obesity-related diseases including diabetes and heart disease. Women, on the other hand, are generally protected from these obesity-related disorders until menopause, when their ovarian hormone levels drop and fat storage tends to shift from their rear ends to their waists.
"Although our new findings don't explain why women begin storing fat in their bellies after menopause, the results do bring us a step closer to understanding the mechanisms behind the unwanted shift," Dr. Clegg said.

For the study, researchers used a microarray analysis to determine whether male fat cells and female fat cells were different between the waist and hips and if they were different based on gender at a genetic level.

Because the fat distribution patterns of male and female mice are similar to those of humans, the researchers used the animals to compare genes from the belly and hip fat pads of male mice, female mice and female mice whose ovaries had been removed - a condition that closely mimics human menopause. Waist and hip fat (subcutaneous fat) generally accumulates outside the muscle wall, whereas belly fat (visceral fat), a major health concern in men and postmenopausal women, develops around the internal organs.

In addition to the genetic differences among fat tissues, the researchers found that male mice that consumed a high-fat diet for 12 weeks gained more weight than female mice on the same diet. The males' fat tissue, particularly their belly fat, became highly inflamed, while the females had lower levels of genes associated with inflammation. The female mice whose ovaries had been removed, however, gained weight on the high-fat diet more like the males and deposited this fat in their bellies, also like the males.
"The fat of the female mice whose ovaries had been removed was inflamed and was starting to look like the unhealthy male fat," Dr. Clegg said. "However, estrogen replacement therapy in the mice reduced the inflammation and returned their fat distribution to that of mice with their ovaries intact."

Dr. Clegg said the results suggest that hormones made by the ovaries may be critical in determining where fat is deposited.

12 foods that cut fat

12 Indian foods that cut fat

You don't have to acquire a taste for olive oil, seaweed or soya to maintain a low-fat, healthy diet. Indian cuisine can be healthy too, if it's cooked with oil and ingredients that take care of your heart and health. 

Ayurveda suggests you include all tastes — sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter and astringent — in at least one meal each day, to help balance unnatural cravings. Here are 12 foods that can help you lose weight and gain health: 

Turmeric: Curcumin, the active component of turmeric, is an object of research owing to its properties that suggest they may help to turn off certain genes that cause scarring and enlargement of the heart. Regular intake may help reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or bad cholesterol and high blood pressure, increase blood circulation and prevent blood clotting, helping to prevent heart attack. 

Cardamom: This is a thermogenic herb that increases metabolism and helps burn body fat. Cardamom is considered one of the best digestive aids and is believed to soothe the digestive system and help the body process other foods more efficiently. 

Chillies: Foods containing chillies are said to be as foods that burn fat. Chillies contain capsaicin that helps in increasing the metabolism. Capsaicin is a thermogenic food, so it causes the body to burn calories for 20 minutes after you eat the chillies. 

Curry leaves: Incorporating curry leaves into your daily diet can help you lose weight. These leaves flush out fat and toxins, reducing fat deposits that are stored in the body, as well as reducing bad cholesterol levels. If you are overweight, incorporate eight to 10 curry leaves into your diet daily. Chop them finely and mix them into a drink, or sprinkle them over a meal. 

Garlic: An effective fat-burning food, garlic contains the sulphur compound allicin which has anti-bacterial effects and helps reduce cholesterol and unhealthy fats. 

Mustard oil: This has low saturated fat compared to other cooking oils. It has fatty acid, oleic acid, erucic acid and linoleic acid. It contains antioxidants, essential vitamins and reduces cholesterol, which is good for the heart. 

Cabbage: Raw or cooked cabbage inhibits the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat. Hence, it is of great value in weight reduction. 

Moong dal: The bean sprouts are rich in Vitamin A, B, C and E and many minerals, such as calcium, iron and potassium. It is recommended as a food replacement in many slimming programmes, as it has a very low fat content. It is a rich source of protein and fibre, which helps lower blood cholesterol level. The high fibre content yields complex carbohydrates, which aid digestion, are effective in stabilising blood sugar and prevent its rapid rise after meal consumption. 

Honey: It is a home remedy for obesity. It mobilises the extra fat deposits in the body allowing it to be utilised as energy for normal functions. One should start with about 10 grams or a tablespoon, taken with hot water early in the morning. 

Buttermilk: It is the somewhat sour, residual fluid that is left after butter is churned. The probiotic food contains just 2.2 grams of fat and about 99 calories, as compared to whole milk that contains 8.9 grams fat and 157 calories. Regular intake provides the body with all essential nutrients and does not add fats and calories to the body. It is thus helpful in weight loss. 

Millets: Fibre-rich foods such as millets - jowar, bajra, ragi, etc - absorb cholesterol and help increase the secretion of the bile that emulsifies fats.
Cinnamon and cloves: Used extensively in Indian cooking, the spices have been found to improve the function of insulin and to lower glucose, total cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides in people with type 2 diabetes.

Monday 28 September 2015

5 foods that keep you young

5 foods that keep you young

Here are a few natural food items that can help you remain young and healthy

Looking young is the foremost priority of most people these days. Not just women, even men are wary of ageing. Instead of using the number of anti-ageing creams that have flooded the markets, one can go the natural way and opt for fruits and vegetables to help fight all age-related problems. Here are a few superfoods that can help control ageing and make you look younger -

1. Avocado - Apart from being high in Vitamin E, avocados are rich in antioxidants which help protect the skin. Avocados help in regenerating skin cells which makes your skin look fresh, giving a more youthful complexion.

2. Kidney beans - These pulses are full of fibre and potassium which help reduce the cholesterol levels and thus reduce the risk of any heart disease. But their major health benefit is that they are packed with proteins.

3. Dark chocolate - Any chocolate that contains at least 70% cocoa is full of proteins and Vitamin B. Regular small bites into this chocolate will help burn fat and improve your skin and hair.

4. Broccoli - Broccolis are a great source of fibre and Vitamin C which not only help control weight, but also help to fight heart diseases.

5. Blueberries - Blueberries are rich in Vitamin C, which help in easy circulation of blood. Blueberries also contain certain minerals which help control the anti-ageing process. High in potassium, these berries help fight puffiness.

Breakfast, most important meal of your day

Breakfast, most important meal of your day

If there's one thing you decide to follow religiously every single day, let it be this - eat a healthy breakfast every morning.

Everyone knows that the key to healthy living is a combination of regular exercise, healthy eating and a positive mind. But none of this holds much weight if you don't kickstart your day with a healthy breakfast first thing when you wake up. After hours of sleep and rest, your body needs energy to get back to the pace and prepare for the day ahead. A healthy breakfast is what will give you the necessary fuel to do this.

Today, Ms. Eileen Canday - Chief Dietician at Breach Candy Hospital, helps us understand why breakfast is the most important meal of the day...

She says, "Starting your day with a good breakfast increases your energy, increases your attention span, and heightens your intelligence. A good breakfast is one that provides at least one third of the day's calories." 

Most people give a variety of reasons for not eating breakfast. An ordinary reason is that they are not hungry in the morning, which is a result of eating a full meal late in the evening or late snacking. When they go to bed, the body is still busy absorbing all that food. Digestion then goes into a slower mechanism during the hours of sleep and there is still food in the stomach in the morning. 

Ms. Canday says that glucose is the essential fuel for the brain and central nervous system. A good breakfast will keep you away from being tired and irritable by mid-morning. 

The effects of missing out on a healthy breakfast are: Short attention span, lack of alertness, longer reaction time, low blood sugar, decreased work productivity. Certainly, this makes breakfast the most important meal of the day! 

She says, "Take your own time to eat a large, balanced breakfast, as it's a good investment of your time."

Don't have time to make a healthy breakfast everyday? No problem. Simply follow's healthy breakfast ideas and you'll find many quickfixes.

Once you get into the routine of eating a healthy breakfast everyday, you will stop feeling hungry by noon. Breakfast is also a great way to get more fiber into your diet. Plan wisely for a healthy breakfast. Many ready cereals have added refined sugar, often hidden. Read labels cautiously to select cereals prepared without excessive sugar, salt, fat, and additives. 

Do you graze all day?

Do you graze all day?

The term applies to munching throughout the day. Here are ways out of it...

It's all right to eat something when hunger pangs arise, but continually putting food into the mouth or grazing, can cause a fair share of harm. Not only does it cause an eating addiction of sorts, but it can also play havoc with the digestive system, as it does not get any break.

A question of choice
Continuous snacking at workplace can be both healthy and harmful, depending on the choice of foods consumed, says nutritionist Priya Karerka. "It's healthy as it can prevent acidity, which is caused due to long gaps between two meals, but it is harmful if the choice of snacks are unhealthy or contain too much fat. Two-hourly snacking is the health mantra prescribed by most nutritionists. But the emphasis must lay on what are the type of snacks consumed."

Healthy options
Sip on green tea, lime juice, buttermilk or munch on puffed rice and roasted chana. "Eat two or three biscuits, a handful of mixed nuts and dryfruits which contain omega-3 fats, khakras, or steamed snacks like idlis. You can also have sprouts, chaat or fresh green salads. These snacks are packed with fiber and other micronutrients which are essential for the body," she says.

Fried foods are a no-no. "Vada pav, wafers, medu wada, pizzas, burgers etc can lead to lethargy and decreased output at work. These snacks contain high amounts of saturated fats which add to obesity, diabetes etc in the long run," ends Karkera.

Get these today

Walnuts and almonds

Health benefits: Walnuts are high in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. About 12 almonds have 180 calories and good omega-9 fatty acids. These and other nuts also are a high source of vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, and potassium.
Snack tip: Have a handful of nuts with low-fat cheese, or some oatmeal, which will make you feel full longer.


Health benefits: 
Fruits such as apples are loaded with pectin, which helps suppress your appetite. The average serving of fruit is around 70 calories. You can also alter the ones you eat each day for variety.
Snack tip: Have it with a glass of fat-free milk.


Health benefits: Yogurt is a rich source of calcium and protein. It also contains healthy bacteria, known as probiotics, that keep the digestive tract healthy.
Snack tip: Add strawberries to your bowl for a great mid-day snack.

Granola bars or oatmeal packets

Health benefits: Granola bars have iron content and can lower blood pressure while oatmeal helps lower cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart disease.
Snack tip: Have them with low-fat cheese or some fruit.


Health benefits: Flax seeds are a storehouse of Omega-3.
Snack tip: Have them with low-fat cheese or some fruit.For variety add some almond slivers and raisins to it.