Saturday 30 May 2015

Health Food Misconceptions: Your Food May Not Be As Healthy As You Think

Eating healthy is not only expensive, but it’s also complicated. Not to mention companies use healthy buzzwords, such as “organic,” “antioxidants,” and “gluten-free,” to trick consumers. Mental Floss host Elliot Morgan offers up some of the most common misconceptions surrounding healthy food so you’re not fooled next time you head to the “organic” grocery store. In no particular order, they are:
1. People who only eat raw food have better digestion.
Try fiber instead.
2. Dark bread is healthier than white bread.
100% Whole Wheat = good
100% Whole Grain = bad
3. Artificial sweeteners promote weight loss.
Less calories doesn’t always mean healthier
4. If a food label says “natural,” it’s good for you.
There are no restrictions deciding what is “natural.”
5. Agave nectar is better for you than sugar.
Less processed, more calories, and more fructose.
6. Margarine is always better for you than butter.
Some brands of margarine do lower LDL “bad” cholesterol; however, others are heavy in trans-fat.
7. Brown eggs are more nutritious than white eggs.
The color of an egg is only decided by the hen who lays it.
8. Brown sugar is healthier than white sugar.
When you take molasses out of brown sugar you have… white sugar.
9. “Local” means “organic.”
10. Organic foods have more nutrients.
No, but they do have more antioxidants.

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