Sunday 31 December 2017

Solution to our problem

Once you visit Yogavana Hills we feel it as our opportunity and responsibility to serve, cure and ensure you will be disease free and live in highest level of human well-being. Nearly 85% of the ailments are self made, all of it can be avoided just by being aware of couple of essential things which we instruct here to every patients & visitors. There is nothing called incurable disease, it is just an deception made by  so called experts  and professionals of the modern medicine system. Indian Natural Herbal Medicine which is many centuries old has solutions and cure to all sort of human physical and mental related issues.
At Yogavana Hills we provide herbal medicines for chronic and all incurable diseases. The general herbal medicines we give here is called "VANAMOOLIKA" in Kannada. If there is a disease there has to be a medicine. Modern medicine system is still in its R & D stage, Very often their medicies will be getiing overhauled and some will get banned by the same Food and Drug Administration which had at first endorsed it safe to treat patients. As an fact Chemicals used in the modern medicines hurts the body significantly more than the sickness itself. Explanation behind this is Medical profession is being purchased by the pharmaceutical business, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research. The scholarly establishments everywhere throughout the globe are permitting themselves to be the paid operators of the pharmaceutical business. Which is discourteous and unacceptable. Always remember pharmaceutical industry does not create cure, they create customers. Try not to fall in their all around promoted and peddled trap. There is no reason why not to move to the Indian Herbal Medicine way of curing the diseases and ailments which is being used from over 10,000 years. Vanamoolika Medicine has 0% Side Effects and has 100% Side Benefits.If anyone is suffering from any major disease /problem from years and you think you dont have  solution. its not expensive here.why do want to waste your hard earned money in hospital without curing. this is right place to visit.

This is my social service.I don't get any profit from above organisation.i am just spreading the knowledge of Ayurvedic medicine.If you visit and want to thank me ,drop email you

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