Sunday 31 December 2017

Solution to our problem

Once you visit Yogavana Hills we feel it as our opportunity and responsibility to serve, cure and ensure you will be disease free and live in highest level of human well-being. Nearly 85% of the ailments are self made, all of it can be avoided just by being aware of couple of essential things which we instruct here to every patients & visitors. There is nothing called incurable disease, it is just an deception made by  so called experts  and professionals of the modern medicine system. Indian Natural Herbal Medicine which is many centuries old has solutions and cure to all sort of human physical and mental related issues.
At Yogavana Hills we provide herbal medicines for chronic and all incurable diseases. The general herbal medicines we give here is called "VANAMOOLIKA" in Kannada. If there is a disease there has to be a medicine. Modern medicine system is still in its R & D stage, Very often their medicies will be getiing overhauled and some will get banned by the same Food and Drug Administration which had at first endorsed it safe to treat patients. As an fact Chemicals used in the modern medicines hurts the body significantly more than the sickness itself. Explanation behind this is Medical profession is being purchased by the pharmaceutical business, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research. The scholarly establishments everywhere throughout the globe are permitting themselves to be the paid operators of the pharmaceutical business. Which is discourteous and unacceptable. Always remember pharmaceutical industry does not create cure, they create customers. Try not to fall in their all around promoted and peddled trap. There is no reason why not to move to the Indian Herbal Medicine way of curing the diseases and ailments which is being used from over 10,000 years. Vanamoolika Medicine has 0% Side Effects and has 100% Side Benefits.If anyone is suffering from any major disease /problem from years and you think you dont have  solution. its not expensive here.why do want to waste your hard earned money in hospital without curing. this is right place to visit.

This is my social service.I don't get any profit from above organisation.i am just spreading the knowledge of Ayurvedic medicine.If you visit and want to thank me ,drop email you

Thursday 21 December 2017

Are you overweight? Follow these steps. beat

 Obesity is no longer considered a cosmetic issue that is caused by overeating and a lack of self-control. The World Health Organisation (W.H.O), along with National and International medical and scientific societies, now recognize obesity as a chronic progressive disease resulting from multiple environmental and genetic factors. It is now recognized as the second most common cause of ‘preventable death’ after cigarette smoking.

The disease of obesity is characterised by an excessive accumulation of body fat and is clinically defined by measures that ‘estimate’ body fat from weight, build and height.The body mass index (BMI) is a measure used to define overweight and obesity. Large population studies find that the BMI generally reflects the amount of excessive body fat an adult has, although there are certain exceptions, such as a pregnant woman, an athlete, a body builder or the elderly. BMI also does not take into account a person’s distribution of fat (central vs peripheral).
According to the W.H.O., 65 percent of the world’s population lives in countries where overweight and obesity kills more people than starvation. Approximately 500 million adults in the world are affected by obesity and one billion are overweight, along with 48 million children.

Positive energy balance
A positive energy balance causes weight gain and occurs when the amount of calories consumed (energy intake) exceeds the amount of calories the body uses (energy expenditure) in the performance of basic biological functions, daily activities, and exercise. 
Weight gain
Weight gain is yet another contributor to weight gain or, in other words, obesity ‘begets’ obesity, which is one of the reasons the disease is considered ‘progressive’. Such obesity-associated biological changes reduce the body’s ability to burn fat for energy, increase the conversion of glucose (carbohydrate) to fat, and increase the body’s capacity to store fat in fat storage depots. This means that more of the calories consumed will be stored as fat.
A low calorie diet is the primary treatment for overweight and obesity, but surprisingly, dieting is also a contributor to obesity progression! When a person loses weight, the body ‘thinks’ it is starving and energy expenditure is reduced in order to conserve calories.
Such diet-induced changes also favour a positive energy balance and weight regain and, because the conditions responsible for the reduction in energy expenditure and increased drive to eat persist long-term, an individual will often not only regain all of their lost weight, but even more.
How can surgery help?
When combined with a comprehensive treatment plan, weight loss (bariatric) surgery may often act as an effective tool to provide long term weight-loss and help to increase the quality of health. Bariatric surgery has been shown to help improve or resolve many obesity-related conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and more.  Significant weight loss through bariatric surgery may also pave the way for many other exciting opportunities for you, your family, your social life and most importantly – your health.
Long term weight loss Success
Bariatric surgeries result in long-term weight-loss. Most studies demonstrate that more than 90 percent of individuals with severe obesity are successful in maintaining 50 percent or more of their excess weight loss following bariatric surgery.
Several large population studies find that individuals affected by severe obesity who have had bariatric surgery have a lower risk of death than individuals affected by obesity who do not have surgery. One of these studies found up to an 89 percent greater reduction in mortality throughout a 5-year observation period for individuals who had bariatric surgery when compared to those who did not. 
Another large population study comparing mortality rates found a greater than 90 percent reduction in death associated with diabetes and a greater than 50 percent reduction in death from heart disease.
Bariatric surgeries also lead to improvement and remission of diabetes, which in the past, was considered to be a progressive and incurable disease.Measures of quality of life that are positively affected by bariatric surgery include physical functions such as mobility, self-esteem, workplace and social interactions, and sexual function.

Old hurting the joints? Consuming dairy, fish and egg yolk will help

During the winter season, bones normally become stiff, inflexible and creaking; making life of people with arthritis and cervical spondylosis more troublesome. They can sense and predict the change in weather, with heightened discomfort in the joints of hands, feet, hip, neck and knees. 

Cold hurting the joints? Consuming dairy, fish and egg yolk will help
As the days are shorter, a lot of people tend to hibernate and laze around during the winters. However, this is also the time when people with ailments need to be extra careful about their Vitamin D deficiency and should take proper medical care and exercise.

"Along with extreme weather conditions, Vitamin D deficiency is another major crisis in Delhi and other cities where mercury goes down very low. Its deficiency impacts more than just bones,".

"We knew that Vitamin D is a carrier of calcium and is crucial for bone health along with other ailments and disorders such as hypertension, depression, diabetes and cardio diseases. Therefore, it is vitally important that this problem is addressed through adequate intake of Vitamin D from various sources including medicine. Exercise is one to the most effective ways to improve bone health for everyone," .

Lack of physical activity among people leads to other health complications such as arthritis. The joints become stiff in winters, therefore, staying active and warm is the only pragmatic solution to alleviate the pain.

During winters, people with cervical spondylosis face really tough days, though this is a disorder in the neck that nags throughout life, if left to worsen.

It has a crippling effect on them and if left unaddressed, may culminate into involvement of the entire spinal cord and manifests as paralytic condition.
To keep the bones healthy, experts recommend that one should also cut down on alcohol, smoking and caffeine. Excess caffeine hinders with body's capability to absorb calcium, decreasing bone mass.

"Vitamin D deficiency is a worldwide concern. It is also known as "Sunshine Vitamin" the modern indoor lifestyle with lack of sunshine exposure and change in dietary habits predispose to deficiency. Vitamin D is produced by the body in response to skin being exposed to sunlight. It is also present naturally in a some foods like fish, egg yolk, fortified dairy and grain products," 
The idea behind exercise is to keep the movement in the joints. 
Consider discomfort in joints a premonition and avoid sitting around a lot when the mercury drops. One should cover their feet, hands and head properly to trap the body heat during the aforesaid months.
A light stroll indoors is fine or casual stretching.

Will bitcoin ever be a safe investment or always a gamble?

The boss of JP Morgan was unequivocal about bitcoin at a recent conference in New York: the digital currency was only fit for drug dealers and would eventually blow up. “[It] isn’t going to work,” said Jamie Dimon. “You can’t have a business where people can invent a currency out of thin air and think that the people who are buying it are really smart.”
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A few days after Dimon’s comments, the value of bitcoin plunged when the Chinese authorities announced a crackdown on it. It has been an eventful month, even in the context of a currency that is less than a decade old. Since the start of the year the value of a single bitcoin has gone from $1,000 (£750) to almost $5,000.
The spiralling price of the cryptocurrency, along with the controversy it has attracted in the past few weeks, has meant that interest from buyers has peaked and more consumers are considering whether to invest – or gamble, as some commentators say – in it.
“We continue to see a rise in demand for bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies,” says Obi Nwosu of Coinfloor, an exchange where people can buy and trade bitcoin. “When senior leaders in the financial community, regulators and government bodies share their views about bitcoin, it further raises interest and awareness in the market.”
So amid the warnings, should investors see the spiralling price as reason enough to buy?
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How it began

Established in 2009 after the financial crash, bitcoin is a digital currency that has no central bank or regulatory authority backing it up. The coins don’t exist in a tangible form but are made by computers and stored in a digital wallet or on the cloud. They can then be exchanged and used in transactions.
There is a finite number of bitcoin that can be supplied – 21m – and there are currently 15m in circulation. Its price has fluctuated wildly since it was launched. Seven years ago, two pizzas were bought for 10,000 bitcoin. At its peak at the beginning of September this year each bitcoin was worth almost $5,000. As it can be used as an anonymous way to carry out cross-border money transfers, it has been linked to drug dealing and money laundering.
There are bitcoin ATMs that allow the cryptocurrency to be exchanged for cash, and an increasing number of businesses accept it. Lady Mone, co-founder of underwear brand Ultimo, launched a property development in Dubai with prices in bitcoin, while a London property developer is to allow its tenants to pay their deposits using it.

Growing interest

The renewed attention on bitcoin has led to a spike in interest from people wanting to invest. “BTC [bitcoin] and crypto[currency] more broadly have hit the mainstream consciousness,” says Lex Deak, chief executive of alternative investment aggregator Off3r. “I am getting an increasing number of enquiries from late adopters who want to learn more about accessing investment opportunities in the space. It has matured rapidly since the beginning of the year, courtesy of the jump from $1,000 to over $4,000, with a feeling that there is now a little less volatility.”
Guy Halford-Thompson, the founder of brokerage Quickbitcoin, says he would not be surprised if mainstream brokers and investors started to invest heavily in the near future. At the same time, the financial regulator has warned against a speculative frenzy over initial coin offerings (ICOs) – a digital way of raising funds from the public using cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin – because of their unregulated nature and lack of investor protection.
While some investors may be attracted by the massive rises this year, others will be wary of the volatility. In mid-January one bitcoin was valued at $800. By June this had gone to $3,000. One month later, it was at less than $2,000 and then almost $5,000 by the start of September. Two weeks later, it was at $3,200.
“Whether it is suitable or not is down to individual circumstances,” says Deak. “If you are an experienced investor with a balanced portfolio and relatively small exposure, then BTC is an exciting and potentially lucrative investment. It needs to come with a clear warning that there is potential for significant losses and investors need to carefully consider the method of investing.”

Tread carefully

Electronic payments expert Dave Birch has said in the past that “one doesn’t invest in bitcoin, one gambles on bitcoin”. Those working in the area advise anyone planning on buying the currency to only invest as much as they are prepared to lose.
“The general sensible view is that the more volatile the investment, the smaller proportion of your wealth you should consider storing in it,” says Marc Warne, founder of bitcoin exchange Bittylicious. “I have heard of people moving their life investments into bitcoin and this is a bad idea.
“The flipside is simple – why not give it a try? If you have £20 to spare, for instance, buy a tiny amount and track its price. If something goes hideously wrong the £20 can be written off and it can be considered a learning experience. If you can, spend it somewhere like at a few pubs that accept it.”
Because the typical protections surrounding investment are not present with bitcoin, prospective investors should ask for help from those who have traded in them already, says Halford-Thompson. “My advice to anyone thinking about investing in bitcoin is to do their own research, but also to speak to people who have already gone through the experience of investing in it,” he says.
“Most of the dangers are because the protection that investors would normally enjoy on a stock market are not present. If you own bitcoin, you need to make sure you know how to buy, sell and store it properly or you risk losing your entire investment.”

Is it secure?

Concerns about the security of the cryptocurrency have continued to shadow it. Last year, almost 120,000 bitcoin worth around $78m (£58m)were stolen from Hong Kong-based Bitfinex, one of the most popular cryptocurrency exchanges, which resulted in a 20% drop in the value of the currency at the time.
“Similar to online banking, people need to take care with their bitcoin account credentials,” says Nwosu. “Whether you secure your bitcoin yourself or with a third party like Coinfloor, we recommend the safest way to go is to keep your security credentials offline.”
Daniel Scott of Coincorner says the currency itself is secure, but the problem surrounds businesses in the industry and the wallets where the bitcoin are stored. “Unfortunately, IT security is a real-world issue, not just for bitcoin but within any industry that uses technology. You only have to do a quick Google search for recent hackings of large global companies to see that any company is open to security issues regardless of size or industry.”


When Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan, dismissed bitcoin as a currency for drug dealers and murders that would end up imploding, he compared its rise to an infamous bubble from the 1600s. “It is worse than tulip bulbs,” he said.
Dimon was referring to one of the most notorious periods of speculation in history when the value of tulip bulbs rocketed amid a mania for the flowers. The popularity of the bulbs hit its peak in the 1630s.
They were traded “frantically”, according to the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, and some people even put their homes down as collateral. However, the market crashed in February 1637, leaving many investors penniless.

Why Is Earth’s Schumann Resonance Accelerating?

The Ancient Indian Rishis called 7.83 Hz the frequency of OM. It also happens to be Mother Earth’s natural heartbeat rhythm, known as the “Schumann Resonance.” According to Wikipedia, “Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere.”
For many years this resonance frequency has hovered at a steady 7.83 Hz with only slight variations. In June 2014 that apparently changed. Monitors at the Russian Space Observing System showed a sudden spike in activity to around 8.5 Hz. Since then, they haveczc499stotliwoc59bc487-schumanna recorded days where the Schumann accelerated as fast as 16.5 Hz. (The graph is usually blue with some green, and no white.) At first they thought their equipment was malfunctioning, but later learned the data was accurate. Everyone was asking, what’s causing this intermittent spiking activity?
Is the Earth’s frequency speeding up? Since the Schumann frequency is said to be “in tune” with the human brain’s alpha and theta states, this acceleration may be why it often feels like time has sped up and events and changes in our life are happening more rapidly.
Image result for earth frequency speeding up
These emerging resonances are naturally correlated to human brainwave activity. So this means, we are changing. Many years ago I was trained in EEG Neurofeedback, so I looked at what these accelerated frequencies might be telling us about human evolutionary change. A 7.83 Hz frequency is an alpha/theta state. Relaxed, yet dreamy—sort of a neutral idling state waiting for something to happen. A 8.5 – 16.5 Hz frequency moves one out of the theta range into more of a full calmer alpha state with faster more alert beta frequencies starting to appear. (This correlates with slowly waking up cognitively). Since the Schumann Resonance hasSchumann-resonance-before-it-went-down had sudden spikes between 12 – 16.5 Hz (see pic’s white areas),  I found this even more interesting. In Neurofeedback, 12-15 Hz is called Sensory-Motor Rhythm frequency (SMR). It is an ideal state of “awakened calm.” Our thought processes are clearer and more focused, yet we are still “in the flow” or “in the know.” In other words, Mother Earth is shifting her vibrational frequency and perhaps so are we. This may be one of many signs that we are AWAKENING.
Scientist’s report that the Earth’s magnetic field, which can affect the Schumann Resonance, has been slowly weakening for the past 2,000 years and even more so in the last few years. No one really knows why. I was told by a wise old sage from India that the magnetic field of Earth was put in place by the Ancient Ones to block our primordial memories of our true heritage. This was so that souls could learn from the experience of free-will unhampered by memories of the past. He claimed that the magnetic field changes are now loosening those memory blocks and we are raising our consciousness to greater truth. The veil is lifting. The blinders are coming off. If true, it raises even more intriguing questions.

Whatever is happening, it’s clear that this acceleration may make you feel more tired, exhausted, dizzy, depressed, and even strange as you raise your own frequencies to be more “in tune” with the New Earth. Adaptation is not always an easy process, but keep in mind it’s all part of your own unique AWAKENING.