Friday 4 March 2016

Weight loss therapy with Peanut Butter


What if there was a weight loss therapy you can spoon straight out of a jar? A new study has revealed that snacking on peanut butter or peanuts up to four times a week could be the key to fighting obesity.

The 12-week study  showed that Hispanic middle school children, at high risk for being overweight or obese, reduced their Body Mass Index (BMI) when they adhered to a nutrition intervention that included a snack of peanuts, compared to those children who did not.

"Obesity is the most pressing health issue facing us today,". "We'd like to think it's preventable, but from where I sit right now, there hasn't been a lot shown to be very effective on a large scale.".

The study acknowledged that snacking is more common during the adolescent years and that the unhealthy eating habit can lead to an unhealthy weight. This is especially true if a student doesn't have access to other meals during the school day.

Instructors guided 257  schools through a program of physical activity and nutrition education. About half the students received a snack of peanuts or peanut butter three to four times a week, while the rest received the snack fewer than once a week.

Following the 12-week intervention, students spent 12 more weeks maintaining the healthy snacking habit. At the end of the period, those students who received the snack more regularly experienced a decrease in their overall BMI compared to those who did not receive the regular peanut snack.

The researchers conclude that afterschool programs and schools can replace energy dense, unhealthy snacks with peanuts to provide a healthier alternative for children (researchers in the study ensured students did not suffer from nut allergies.

The fight against obesity needs creative solutions that help people manage their weight, appetite and hunger by offering socially acceptable food choices.

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