Wednesday 14 October 2015

Signs of excessive sleeping and its side effects

Signs of excessive sleeping and its side effects

Insomnia and lack of sleep are the biggest factors for developing different health problems. But excessive sleeping can also pose a problem to health.
What is Excessive Sleeping?

According to Dr. Ravindra Gupta, "It is a state is which one feels dozing off in the waking hours and lethargic during the day even after having a sufficient amount of sleep. And feel fatigued all the time. Unpredictable mood swings."

Signs of Excessive Sleeping:

Fatigue and irritability

Dozing off in office or while driving

Inability to concentrate.

Seen in those who are obese

Those who have obstructive sleep apnoea.

Negative health effects of Excessive Sleeping:

Gaining weight



Increase risk of accidents.

Excessive sleeping is also called hypersomina and is caused by medication, inadequate sleep, working in shifts, sleep disorders, and psychological problems.


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