Sunday 2 August 2015

Ways in which you are ruining your hair!

Ways in which you are ruining your hair!

Everyday habits can cause a lot of harm to your tresses without you even realising it

We keep trying out new things on our hair to make it look more beautiful. But, we fail to notice the negative impact it has on our locks.

Experts point out some of our most simple actions that spoil the tresses...

Use of straighteners
People tend to directly put the straightener on their hair. But this causes more damage than you can imagine — it makes the mane dry, rough and frizzy.

Over-brushing of locks
It can also lead to hair fall. Brushing wet hair is another reason as it it is fragile.

Using shampoo every day
Washing hair with shampoo almost daily makes it dry. Using the wrong brush to comb can also lead to hair fall. Natural-bristle brushes are great for grabbing thick, slightly damp hair and smoothing it out during a blow-out.

Towel drying the hair
We usually dry our hair with the towel that we use on a regular basis. The fabric agitates the cuticles in the hair which leads to friction, ultimately resulting in hair fall. Choose towels that have soft textures. It's best to use fingers to dry the hair.

Poor eating habits
Vitamin A, C and E are vital for your hair to maintain its glossy texture. Include them in your diet without fail.

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