Saturday 18 July 2015

Turmeric and omega-3 fat might delay or prevent type 2 diabetes


You must be aware of the antiseptic and antibacterial properties of turmeric that has been used as an age-old remedy to heal various problems. Not only this, this wonder spice renders a unique flavour and color to the food making it more appealing. However, the health benefits of this easily available kitchen ingredient don’t end here. According to the Health scientists from the University of Newcastle’s Nutraceuticals Research Group, led by Professor Manohar Garg curcumin, a compound present in turmeric when coupled with omega-3 fats may delay or prevent the onset of type-2 diabetes. (Read: Diabetes — Symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, home remedies and prevention)
Garg said, ‘The root cause of type 2 diabetes is systemic inflammation, which impacts insulin secretion and function. Our aim is to stop the inflammation in the bud.’ The study emphasis on the use of two bioactive compounds namely – curcumin andomega-3 fats – both of which are well-known anti-inflammatory agents that can be easily found in food.
As most people tend to switch to the western diet, there has been a significant drop in the intake of curcumin (turmeric) in food. And this has lead to a parallel increase in the number of cases of diabetics in India, which might rank as the number one health burden in the coming years.
About the study
Eligibility: People at high risk of developing diabetes due to impaired glucose tolerance or impaired fasting glucose and are between 30 to 70 years of age, may be eligible for the study.
Groups: The recruited people will be divided into four groups and the randomised control trial will be carried out to test the efficacy of both compounds. Group 1 will get curcumin only, group 2 to be given only omega-3 fat, third group will get both the compounds and the fourth one will be a control group.
Concentration: The capsules containing 200 mgs of curcumin and one gm of omega-3 fat respectively are given to the groups.
Expected results: ‘The anti-inflammatory mechanisms surrounding curcumin and omega-3 fats are different, so we want to test if they complement each other and have treatment synergies beyond their individual effects’, Garg said. Researchers believe that the combination is safe, free of any side-effects and might be as effective as drugs used for management of diabetes


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