Saturday 12 November 2016

Effect of going late to sleep.

1. Introduction to going to sleep late at night

All of us would like to know how to sleep well so as to be at our best when we get up. One of the important parameters involved in how to sleep well is the time of going to sleep. Most of us have experienced that we are not at our best in the morning when we go to sleep late. Some of us are aware about the ill-effects of going to sleep late at night at a physical and psychological level. However either due to pressure of work or partying, more and more people are going to sleep late at night. In this article we take a look at what happens in the subtle dimension when we go to sleep late at night. This will help us take an educated decision about how to sleep well from the perspective of when we should go to sleep at night.

 Image result for late sleep

2.Research about how to sleep well – time of going to sleep

Seekers of SSRF having advanced sixth sense or extrasensory perception (ESP) investigated at a spiritual level the effect of the time of going to sleep as a parameter of how to sleep well.

3. Benefit of our actions as per the time after sunset

From sunrise to sunset clockwise or positive frequencies are moving in the atmosphere. After sunset the anticlockwise or distressing frequencies start moving in the atmosphere. Hence we get progressively lesser and lesser benefit of our actions. To understand this in further detail let us divide the 12 hours between sunset to sunrise in 4 blocks of 3 hours each. The following diagram shows how the benefit of our actions are compromised after sunset. (In this example we have taken 6:00 PM as the time of sunset and 6:00 AM as the time of sunrise.)
Sleeping late - period after sunset