Saturday 12 November 2016

Effect of going late to sleep.

1. Introduction to going to sleep late at night

All of us would like to know how to sleep well so as to be at our best when we get up. One of the important parameters involved in how to sleep well is the time of going to sleep. Most of us have experienced that we are not at our best in the morning when we go to sleep late. Some of us are aware about the ill-effects of going to sleep late at night at a physical and psychological level. However either due to pressure of work or partying, more and more people are going to sleep late at night. In this article we take a look at what happens in the subtle dimension when we go to sleep late at night. This will help us take an educated decision about how to sleep well from the perspective of when we should go to sleep at night.

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2.Research about how to sleep well – time of going to sleep

Seekers of SSRF having advanced sixth sense or extrasensory perception (ESP) investigated at a spiritual level the effect of the time of going to sleep as a parameter of how to sleep well.

3. Benefit of our actions as per the time after sunset

From sunrise to sunset clockwise or positive frequencies are moving in the atmosphere. After sunset the anticlockwise or distressing frequencies start moving in the atmosphere. Hence we get progressively lesser and lesser benefit of our actions. To understand this in further detail let us divide the 12 hours between sunset to sunrise in 4 blocks of 3 hours each. The following diagram shows how the benefit of our actions are compromised after sunset. (In this example we have taken 6:00 PM as the time of sunset and 6:00 AM as the time of sunrise.)
Sleeping late - period after sunset

Saturday 22 October 2016

Red wine can cure hormonal imbalance in women

Resveratrol, a polyphenol which occurs naturally in red wine, grapes, nuts and chocolate, could correct a hormonal imbalance in women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), a condition which can cause infertility in women of childbearing age.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Take a walk after meals to better Control

 The ancient rule that for better health one should take a walk after meals appears to have been confirmed.The researchers suggest that people managing type 2 diabetes should walk after meals to gain the greatest blood sugar-lowering benefits. They found that walking after meals is better reducing blood sugar levels than taking a single 30 minute walk at any time of the day.

 Image result for person walking
 The study found that post-meal blood sugar levels dropped 12 per cent on average when the participants followed the walking after meals advice compared to walking at any time of the day.

Most of this effect came from the highly significant 22 per cent reduction in blood sugar when walking after evening meals, which were the most carbohydrate heavy, and were followed by the most sedentary time.
 Image result for person walking
 The researchers prescribed walking to 41 patients with type 2 diabetes in two-week blocks, separated by a month. The patients - who were fitted with accelerometers to measure their physical activity and devices that measured their blood sugar every five minutes - were to walk either for thirty minutes a day as advised by guidelines, or to walk for 10 minutes after each main glucose is regarded as an important target in managing type 2 diabetes, given its independent contribution to overall blood sugar control and cardiovascular risk."postprandial physical activity may avoid the need for an increased total insulin dose or additional mealtime insulin injections that might otherwise have been prescribed to lower glucose levels after eating. An increase in insulin dose might, in turn, be associated with weight gain in patients with type 2 diabetes, many of whom are already overweight or obese."

"The benefits relating to physical activity following meals suggest that current guidelines should be amended to specify post-meal activity, particularly when meals contain a substantial amount of carbohydrate," they conclude.

Monday 17 October 2016

7 things never to say to someone with depression

Language is powerful, so the words we use to talk about mental health, and towards people with mental health issues, are important.depression affects as many as one in six people. So, if you know someone who is struggling, it’s natural to want to try to help – but here are some things not to say.
 Image result for depression

 1. “Snap out of it.”

Distinguishing between sadness and depression can be complicated, but they’re very different things. If someone has depression, their symptoms of sadness are often intertwined with fatigue, low or increased appetite, a feeling of hopelessness or bleakness, and sometimes suicidal thoughts. Telling someone to “just be happy” is extremely unhelpful.

2. “What do you have to be depressed about?”

Of course, depression can affect any kind of person, no matter how loved, confident or successful they are. In recent years, celebrities including Stephen Fry, Angelina Jolie, and JK Rowling have talked about having depression.  It’s true that a sad or traumatic event can trigger a bout of depression, but it isn’t always caused by a particular event. Often it just happens.

3. “You should be grateful for all the good things in your life.”

 No one needs a dose of guilt on top of dealing with depression.

4. “It’s all in your head.”

A chemical imbalance can’t just be switched off, and no one chooses to have depression. It affects people differently, but the person is likely to feel weak, helpless, and as if there’s no way out of it.

5. “Just come out with us and drink your sorrows away.”

 Alcohol is a depressant and it affects the chemistry of the brain, increasing the risk of depression. Therefore drinking a lot isn’t recommended for someone with depression. Depression can make you withdrawn and chronically exhausted, so suggesting someone be more sociable isn’t helpful.

6. “Have you tried exercise?”

This just undermines the severity of the condition. If it was as easy as going for a run, no one would suffer from depression. Most people battling depression have tried everything. For some people, even getting out of bed or out of the house can seem impossible on some days.

7. “Stop feeling sorry for yourself.

 The chances are that someone struggling with depression is already incredibly hard on themselves. Just ask what you can do to help and let them know you’re there if they need you.

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Gigantic Celestial Planet on Way


"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." 

A rogue planet known in ancient times as Nibiru, The Destroyer, Wormwood, The Frightener, The Terrible Comet, Hercolubus and various other names, is headed toward Planet Earth once again, and has already begun to spawn a series of global catastrophes. In modern times, this dangerous celestial body has been known by the name of Planet X.

It's difficult to discern the exact truth about this subject because it's been deliberately obscured by disinformation. We're dealing with one of the biggest cover-ups in the history of mankind, and that's saying a lot, because the competition is so fierce.

But after 10 years of research, one school of thought that makes a lot of sense to me is that like most of the stars in the universe, our sun is part of a binary system. A smaller star -- possibly a brown dwarf star -- orbits the sun, and at least seven planets orbit the second sun, also known as Nemesis and the Dark Star. Planet X is the outermost planet in the Nemesis system, which invades our inner solar system every 3,600 years or so -- possibly even more often than that. 
One thing is clear -- Earth has repeatedly been devastated by cosmic catastrophes. It's well-documented in the historical and geological record.

* There are lots of photographs and videos on this that show various celestial objects in the sky right now. That leads me to believe Planet X might arrive sooner than some people have been speculating -- possibly as soon .

The military is already in place now, so a catastrophic event such as an asteroid strike, meteor storm, volcano eruption or earthquake could happen at any time. 

Obviously I can't guarantee Planet X will arrive in October or November. If I had access to the information NASA is covering up, I could make a more definite prediction. I don't know exactly when Planet X will get here, but I think we should all be prepared for the possibility that it will arrive sooner than Expected, which is within decade most often predicted on the Internet.The point is, it's going to happen soon .

Ancient civilizations warned us that Planet X would return in the future and wreak havoc on Earth. As a consequence of The Destroyer's impact, we'll experience increasingly severe earthquakes, volcano eruptions, hurricanes, tornadoes, torrential downpours, catastrophic flooding, severe drought, sinkholes, tsunamis and lots more, and we'll be bombarded by intense solar flares, asteroids and other forms of cosmic debris that will make it extremely difficult to survive. See this youtube channel for a series of videos that document the catastrophic Earth changes going on all over the world.

During the 20th century, there were about 35 volcano eruptions in a typical year, and now there are more than 35 eruptions every single day.

Those who do survive the initial Planet X onslaught, possibly 10 percent of the population, will then be faced with the challenge of how to get by with no electricity, no grocery stores, no gasoline and none of the comforts of home to which we've all become accustomed. There's also a good possibility that the north and south poles will shift locations, which has happened many, many times throughout history.

As depicted in the movie "2012," released in November 2009, the government and other governments around the world have been building arks and underground bases because they've known about this impending event for a long, long time. In fact, Freemasons and other secret societies have known about this for centuries. They've been hiding the truth from us so the elite can secretly make their plans to survive the cataclysm. 

Many of the events depicted in "2012" are really going to happen.

The movie "2012" was deliberately released with the wrong year in the title in order to discredit the Planet X cover-up as a wild "conspiracy theory." The idea was, when 2012 passed and nothing happened, clueless people would say, "See, it was all a paranoid conspiracy theory. There's no such thing as Planet X."

All along, the movie producers knew the major catastrophes weren't going to happen until years later. The psychological effect produced by the movie bought the elite some more time to make their preparations without society completely falling apart into panic mode.

Another film that depicted the impending cataclysms was "Deep Impact," which was released in 1998. Morgan Freeman played the black president (think Obama) who announced to the world that a comet was headed for Earth. It also depicted the elite seeking shelter in underground bunkers. 

Lots of other films in recent years have depicted Earth getting hit by meteors, including "Meteor Storm," released in 2009. This is because film producers often have inside information about events that are expected to happen in the future, and they release the films as a way of indirectly warning the public. It's called predictive programming.

And then there was "The Day After Tomorrow," released in 2004 to warn the public about climate changes caused by the approach of Planet X. It's on TV just about every week these days. Disruption of the North Atlantic current, which is wreaking havoc with the weather in England and other parts of Europe, is one of the changes addressed in the film. 

Not to mention all the apocalyptic TV programs, such as "The Walking Dead," that depict a world in which there's no electricity, society has completely broken down and it's every man for himself -- just like the world that will be left behind after the pole shift. Producers of these programs know what's headed our way, and they're trying to warn the public by showing us what we're going to be up against.

Why else would there be such an idiotic and morbid fascination with zombies in popular culture?

There was even a scene from "The Walking Dead" that shows people walking down the road with two suns in the sky. Many thanks to the reader who pointed that out to me.

Now there's a new movie out called "Catastrophe," another veiled reference to Planet X. And how about the TV show, "Orange Is the New Black?" Orange represents Nibiru and black represents death.

One reason why the economies of the world are deliberately being run into the ground is that governments know they'll never have to pay back all the money they've borrowed because there will be no one left to pay back! And a lot of the money that was stolen from the Treasury has gone into constructing underground bases and purchasing supplies for the self-appointed select few who think they deserve to survive and you deserve to die.

Planet X also explains GMO foods. They were created by Monsanto so they could be grown underground, because it might be years before anything can grow properly after Planet X passes by.

I believe world States is going to experience a natural disaster "the likes of which the nation has never seen before."

Only if you understand the truth about Planet X will you be able to understand the seemingly incomprehensible events taking place today.

But this matter is simply too important to cover up. Everyone needs to know the truth about what is about to transpire on Planet Earth before it's too late to prepare.

There were some articles about Planet X published in the press in the early 1980s, before the cover-up was formally launched by NASA and other government agencies. For example, The New York Times published an article on June 19, 1982, that began as follows:

"Something out there beyond the furthest reaches of the known solar system is tugging at Uranus and Neptune. A gravitational force keeps perturbing the two giant planets, causing irregularities in their orbits. The force suggests a presence far away and unseen, a large object, the long-sought Planet X." 

One year later, the newly launched Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) discovered Planet X. The Washington Post reported that "a heavenly body as large as Jupiter and part of the solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope. " 
A few years ago, the  Government installed a gigantic telescope at the South Pole that was designed to track Planet X as it approaches Earth. Someone who worked in the facility leaked some photos of Planet X on the Internet in an attempt to warn humanity. 

Why would the Government spend millions of dollars on a telescope and install it at the South Pole -- one of the most uninhabitable places on the planet? The answer is that Planet X is best viewed from the southern hemisphere as it approaches Earth because it's below the ecliptic plane.

The Vatican is in a very strange business. It owns a Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) in Arizona on Mt. Graham, near Tucson. It is a near-infrared telescope. The cover story is that they are looking for extra-solar planets and “advanced alien intelligence.” It is reported that the instrument is chilled to -213 Celsius, or -351 F, to allow it to conduct near-infrared observations. Planet X is of course a dwarf star, a binary twin to our sun, and can best be observed in this spectrum.

 Why all of this interest by the Vatican? What are they really interested in? It is reported by a Father Malachi (a Vatican insider) that he knew about an inbound planet which would cause the destruction of millions of people. He said it would look like a red cross in the sky when it appeared. He had indicated it would appear between 2020 and 2045. The exact date is a secret, hidden in the archives of the Vatican.
"Global warming" and "climate change" are cover stories for the effects t
hat Planet X is causing on Earth and all the other planets in the solar system. All the planets are experiencing drastic changes as a result of the electromagnetic and gravitational forces exerted by this rogue planet.

Arctic ice is not melting because of global warming, it's melting because the Earth is heating up from the core outward. These disturbances are also causing earthquakes, volcano eruptions, sinkholes and bizarre weather and much more, and they will continue to increase in severity as Planet X approaches. 

NASA and other government agencies have hired professional debunkers and other disinformation specialists to go on the Internet and convince you this is all a hoax, but it's not a hoax. The government just wants to lead you down the garden path because it wants people not to panic and to continue working and paying taxes (at least those who still have a job). Don't let the disinfo crew throw you off track. There's no reason to panic, just get educated on what to expect and how to survive it.

Also, the following books should be available on "The Return of Planet-X" by Jaysen Q. Rand; "Planet X Forecast and 2012 Survival Guide" by Jacco van der Worp, Marshall Masters and Janice Manning; "Blindsided" by Mark Hazlewood; and "Delicate Earth" by Mark Hazlewood. "The Return of Planet X" was published in 2007 and is probably the most comprehensive and up-to-date book on this subject.

These books are packed with accurate information from reliable sources that will help you discern the truth.

You can even read the entire "Blindsided" text online. Just ignore the 2003 date that's used throughout the book and change it to 2015 or 2016. Other than missing the arrival date by a dozen years or so, the book is accurate and contains lots of valuable.

Many sources predicted Planet X would pass by in 2015 or 2020, but the truth is, no one really knows exactly when to expect Planet X, except maybe NASA, and they're not talking. One clue that the pole shift might be imminent is that you should be able to see Planet X in the sky for several days or weeks before it makes its closest passage to Earth. It might appear as a second sun in the sky.

The main thing is to be prepared, because what do you have to lose? Even if it doesn't happen right away, you can still use your emergency supplies for all the other catastrophes that occur, such as power outages, hurricanes, tornadoes, and so on. 

Perhaps the best strategy is to join a survival group in your area. Try searching the Internet for survival groups.

And even if you don't want to prepare for the emergencies, just knowing this is about to happen could have a positive impact on your life. For example, you might decide to spend more time with your family, take that vacation you've always wanted to take, tell someone you love them or do any number of things with your last remaining days. 

I inherited some money a few years ago and immediately gave most of it to my children, because I wanted them to enjoy it while they were still young. I was afraid they might never receive it if I made them wait until I died. Chances are, very few of us will survive Planet X, and then money will be worthless anyway.

I know it's scary to think about, so I'm going to end this post on a more cheerful note. Please keep in mind, even if you don't survive the impending cataclysms, it's not that big of a deal. We're all spiritual beings who live forever, and we incarnate on Earth many, many times to learn spiritual lessons. 

Thursday 30 June 2016

Global warming leads to violence

   Image result for global warming lead to violence
The ever changing climate has become a major concern in today’s time. One of the interesting studies has revealed that hot climates due to global warming and less variation in seasonal temperatures lead to a faster life strategy, less focus on the future and lower self-control.
The study explains why some violent crime rates are higher near the equator than other parts of the world. Researchers developed a new model that goes beyond the simple fact that hotter temperatures due to global warming seem to be linked to more aggressive behaviour.
“Climate shapes how people live, it affects the culture in ways that we don’t think about in our daily lives,” said Brad Bushman, from the Ohio State University in the US.
“We believe our model can help explain the impact of climate on rates of violence in different parts of the world,” said Paul van Lange, from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). The researchers call the new model CLimate Aggression, and Self-control in Humans (CLASH).
Many studies have shown that levels of violence and aggression are higher in hot climates that are caused due to global warming, researchers said.
“But the two leading explanations of why that is so aren’t satisfactory,” Bushman said. The General Aggression Model suggests hot temperatures make people uncomfortable and irritated, which make them more aggressive. “But that doesn’t explain more extreme acts, such as murder,” Bushman said.
Another explanation known as Routine Activity Theory is that people are outdoors and interacting more with others when weather is warm, which leads to more opportunities for conflict.
However, that does not explain why there is more violence when the temperature is 35 degrees Celsius than when it is 24 degrees Celsius even though people might be outside under both circumstances.
The CLASH model states that it is not just hotter temperatures that lead to more violence,  it is also climates that have less seasonal variation in temperature.
“Less variation in temperature, combined with heat, brings some measure of consistency to daily life,” said Maria Rinderu of VU. That means there is less need to plan for large swings between warm and cold weather.
The result is a faster life strategy that is not as concerned about the future and leads to less need for self-control, researchers said. People living in these hot climates are oriented to the present rather than the future and have a fast life strategy they do things now.
With a faster life strategy and an orientation toward the present, people have to practice less self-control, he said.  That can lead people to react more quickly with aggression and sometimes violence.

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Home Remedies for Cold & Cough, Stomach Ache & Nausea


Traditional Home Remedies for Cold & Cough, Stomach Ache & Nausea

A lot of these home remedies have their roots in Ayurveda and you'll find that some of the ingredients like ginger, turmeric and honey have been named in ancient texts as natural healers. Traditional medicine is still being practiced in many of our homes and is a testament to the phrase 'old is gold'.
We're in no way implying that traditional medicine should be the only form of treatment. We are only trying to understand the reason why Ayurvedic or traditional home-remedies have been around for so many years. They're safe, natural, in a lot of cases effective and have almost no side effects. A medicine strategy report by the World Health Organisation (WHO) corroborates this - " For millions of people, herbal medicines, traditional treatments, and traditional practitioners are the main source of health care, and sometimes the only source of care. This is care that is close to homes, accessible and affordable. While the affordability of this method of treatment might stand out, they are also a great way of coping with the relentless rise of chronic non-communicable diseases."
Ayurveda experts will tell you that before you can identify the ideal remedies, you need to figure out which of the three doshas (vata, pitta, and kapha) describe your body type and characteristics best. The remedies will be custom-made depending on the combination of your doshas and only then will your health be restored.

1. Acid Reflux - Ugh, you're uneasy, bloated and have an awful burning sensation in the stomach and chest? Yep, you've got acidity alright. You can pop an over-the-counter antacid or you can do what I've been doing for years- mix some ginger and lemon juice and have it. The lemon juice will help cut the acidity and ginger which is rich in Vitamin C and magnesium works as a brilliant anti-inflammatory and natural painkiller.

2. Cold & Cough - Let's get something straight, everything that's been told to us isn't factually correct. For example, you've been told 'don't step out in the cold with wet hair or you'll catch a cold' but that's actually just an old wives tale. Some mild sneezing and coughing is a common occurrence especially through season change when your immunity is at its lowest. Unlike a stomach ache, cold and cough lasts for a few uncomfortable days and so does not have an immediate cure. But there are a few remedies which if executed properly can help bring great relief and eventually cure.
Warm some milk, add turmeric and drink it. Turmeric is a real power spice and you'll find that it features in a lot of other Ayurvedic home remedies as well. It's a powerful anti-inflammatory and has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties as well. It's the holy grail of good health as it helps you fight cough, cold and chest congestion.
Steam inhalation is an age-old remedy. Back in the day, people used a container called a Neti Pot filled with saline water to clear clogged nasal passages. The spout was placed inside one nostril and the water is allowed to seep in and pass out through the other nostril. This is an effective (yet tough to implement) method to clear out the nasal passage. The other way is to breathe in steam through your nose from a pot of boiling water. Steam loosens a stuffy nose.

3. Stomach Pain - We've all had those early morning stomach troubles where either we park ourselves in the washroom for too long or sometimes not at all. Ayurveda suggests a cure for both. There are a few reasons why you could be constipated: you've not had enough water to drink, you've eaten too many dairy products, the new-age irritable bowel syndrome and so on. But whatever be the reason, a few home remedies could work as a great quick fix. Take 2-3 spoons of Triphala with warm water at night as it works as a great laxative and leads up to an easy next morning. Also add more olive oil, sesame oil or ghee to your diet. Another great idea would be to eat a spoonful of flaxseeds before you sleep because like Triphala, it also works as a great laxative.
Another common occurrence is bloating and on a scale of 1 to 10 it's definitely more uncomfortable than constipation. Have we got any home-remedies to help ease that out? Yes, of course we do. Add some cumin seeds or jeera to boiling water, drain and drink. It'll cleanse your system and bring relief.

4. Acne - Unlike the other conditions mentioned in this article, that awful looking zit actually speaks for itself. It's very rarely a problem of the skin but more of what you ate or what you didn't. Too much fried food, irregular meals, constipation, heat-creating foods - any one of these could have done the job. Take some Neem leaves, crush them and apply on the acne. The leaves work as a great anti-bacterial and cooling agent. You can also rub an orange peel a few times a day for great results. My grandmother used to do this for me as a kid- mix sandalwood powder with rose water and apply as a pack twice a day.

5. Nausea - There could be a number of reasons why you're feeling nauseous: food poisoning, overeating, indigestion, motion sickness, allergy, an ulcer amongst others. According to Sunil V, Joshi, author of the book 'Ayurveda and Panchkarma, The Science of Healing and Rejuvenation', "Nausea is our body's way of telling us that there's food that wasn't digested properly and the body wants to eliminate it. A lot of times, people try and treat nausea with coffee or an antacid which temporarily makes us feel better. But what it does is create an imbalance and what was nausea by the day turns into acidity by the night. Nausea is and with time, it only aggravates the condition."
So what can we do about it? Mix some ginger, honey and lemon juice, and this should instantly make you feel better. Another great fix is one I usually try when I feel nauseous in the mornings. I drink thin, mostly runny buttermilk with a bit of pepper and it helps calm my nerves and makes me feel lighter

Texting on Smartphones Can Alter Your Brain

     Image result for Texting on Smartphones

Sending text messages on a smartphone or iPad can change the rhythm of brain waves in humans -- a finding that has significant implications for brain-computer interfacing, gaming and driving.
People communicate increasingly via text messaging, though little is known on the neurological effects of smartphone use.
To find out more about how our brains work during textual communication using smartphones, a team led by Mayo Clinic researcher William Tatum analysed data from 129 patients. Their brain waves were monitored over a period of 16 months through electroencephalograms (EEGs) combined with video footage Dr Tatum found a unique 'texting rhythm' in approximately one in five patients who were using their smartphone to text message while having their brain waves monitored. "We believe this new rhythm is an objective metric of the brain's ability to process non-verbal information during use of electronic devices and that it is heavily connected to a widely distributed network augmented by attention or emotion.

The researchers asked patients to perform activities such as message texting, finger tapping and audio cellular telephone use in addition to tests of attention and cognitive function. Only text messaging produced the newly observed brain rhythm, which was different than any previously described brain rhythm. The unicity of the texting rhythm compared to other forms of mental stimulation could be caused by the combination of mental activity with motor and auditory-verbal neurological activity. The 'texting rhythm' was also found in iPad users.
The researchers hypothesised that the presence of a different brain wave rhythm while using mobile, handheld devices might be caused by their smaller screens, which require more concentration.
"There is now a biological reason why people shouldn't text and drive - texting can change brain waves

How to cut breast cancer risk

Making probiotic-rich dairy products, such as yogurt and milk, a part of daily diet may cut the risk of breast cancer in women, claims a new study.
Bacteria that have the potential to abet breast cancer are present in the breasts of cancer patients, while beneficial bacteria are more abundant in healthy breasts, where they may actually be protecting women from cancer, researchers said.
These findings may lead ultimately to the use of probiotics such as yogurt and milk to protect women against breast cancer, they said.
Scientists from Lawson Health Research Institute in Canada obtained breast tissues from 58 women who were undergoing lumpectomies or mastectomies for either benign (13 women) or cancerous (45 women) tumours, as well as from 23 healthy women who had undergone breast reductions or enhancements.

        Image result for yogurt and milk togetherImage result for yogurt and milk together
Women with breast cancer had elevated levels of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus epidermidis, are known to induce double-stranded breaks in DNA in HeLa cells, which are cultured human cells, researchers said.
“Double-strand breaks are the most detrimental type of DNA damage and are caused by genotoxins, reactive oxygen species, and ionising radiation,” said researchers.
The repair mechanism for double-stranded breaks is highly error prone, and such errors can lead to cancer’s development.
Conversely, Lactobacillus and Streptococcus, considered to be health-promoting bacteria, were more prevalent in healthy breasts than in cancerous ones. Both groups have anticarcinogenic properties, researchers said.
For example, natural killer cells are critical to controlling growth of tumours, and a low level of these immune cells is associated with increased incidence of breast cancer.
Streptococcus thermophilus produces anti-oxidants that neutralise reactive oxygen species, which can cause DNA damage, and thus, cancer, researchers said.
Lactation might not even be necessary to improve the bacterial flora of breasts.
“Colleagues in Spain have shown that probiotic lactobacilli ingested by women can reach the mammary gland,” said Reid.
“Combined with our work, this raises the question, should women, especially those at risk for breast cancer, take probiotic lactobacilli to increase the proportion of beneficial bacteria in the breast?,” he said.
Besides fighting cancer directly, it might be possible to increase the abundance of beneficial bacteria at the expense of harmful ones, through probiotics

Friday 29 April 2016

Want to lose weight? Try these healthy drinks!

Who doesn't want to get rid of those excess fats around the waist? Well, everyone wants to lose weight by burning calories and extra fats. Though it is not an easy task to reduce weight but there are certain ways that can speed up the weight loss. One such way is by drinking healthy weight loss drinks.

 Image result for Want to lose weight? Try these healthy drinks!

 Black coffee
If you want to lose weight, try having black coffee that is prepared without milk and sugar as it is a potent source of energy and thermogenesis which boosts metabolism.

vegetable juice

Regular consumption of vegetable juice which includes tomatoes and carrots with a hint of ginger helps you get rid of those extra kilos as it provides a stimulant for weight loss. The juice also supplies the body with important nutrients and dietary fibre.

Green tea

Green tea contains flavonoids that have natural anti-inflammatory properties which helps in slimming down your waistline and lose weight.

Ginger and lime water

Take a glass of water, add ginger and lime to it. Drink this ginger and lime water as it is good for weight loss and also induces metabolism.

Dandelion tea

Consuming of dandelion tea helps in getting rid of those extra fats as it is specially prepared from the root of the plant which is known to be a powerful stimulant for weight loss.

How to Prevent and Treat Dandruff?

 Image result for How to Prevent and Treat Dandruff?

The term dandruff generally refers to the condition of the skin where in shiny, silvery scales separate from the scalp and collect amidst the hair. The condition can become troublesome when the skin gets infected.
Main symptoms are when the hair is combed or brushed, or when the scalp is scratched, the scales from the scalp fall like snowflakes and settle on the eyebrows, shoulders and clothes. These scales sometimes appear as lumps or crusts on the scalp. Often there is itching as well and the scalp may become red from scratching.
Main herbs used in treatment are Fenugreek seeds, Lime, Green Gram Powder, Snake gourd. Dandruff can be removed by massaging the hair for half an hour with curd which has been kept in the open for three days or with a few drops of lime juice mixed with alma juice every night before going to bed. Another measure, which helps to counteract dandruff, is to dilute cider vinegar with an equal quantity of water and dab this on the hair with cotton wool in between shampooing. Cider vinegar added to the final rinsing water after shampooing also helps to disperse dandruff. People should avoid spicy and greasy food because it helps dandruff to increase and spread.
People should add more vegetables and fruits on the diet. It is very essential to take fresh foods avoid taking tinned and canned foods add more green vegetables and fruits. Strong tea and coffee, processed foods should be avoided for the dandruff. The foremost consideration in the treatment of this disorder is to keep the hair and scalp clean so as to minimise the accumulation of dead cells. The hair should be brushed daily to improve the circulation and remove any flakiness.
The most effective way to brush the hair is to bend forward from the waist with the head down towards the ground and brush from the nape of the neck towards the top of the head. The scalp should also be thoroughly massaged everyday, using one-finger tips and working systematically over the head.
This should be done just before or after brushing the hair. Like brushing, this stimulates the circulation, dislodges dirt and dandruff and encourages hair growth. Exposure of the head to the rays of the sun is also a useful measure in the treatment of dandruff. Use any herbal shampoo for clean the hair. Also a herbal hair pack can be prepared and used by mixing henna powder, curd, ritha power together and apply on the head keep it for ½ an hour and wash with water, after this you wash your head with a herbal lime based shampoo for dandruff. Lime is good for dandruff as well as conditioner.

Natural hair loss solution

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Hair is a complex and delicate part of your body. Keeping it healthy and beautiful is a challenge. Hair is cylinder of dead tissue. Damaged hair can never be fully restored to its original condition. The main factor in growth of the hair is the kind of cells that exit in the hair follicles from which the hair grows in the individual person. Each individual hair is also different in one individual. Both men and women lose hair for similar reasons. Hair loss in men is often more dramatic, and follows a specific pattern of loss which has been termed "Male Pattern Baldness".
Main herbs used are Bhringaraj, Amla, Heena, Jaba. The foremost consideration in the treatment of this disorder is to keep the hair and scalp clean so as to minimise the accumulation of dead cells. The hair should be brushed daily to improve the circulation and remove any flakiness. The most effective way to brush the hair is to bend forward from the waist with the head down towards the ground and brush from the nape of the neck towards the top of the head.

How to Get rid of Backache

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Backache is one of the most common affliction, to which hardly any lady is an exception. This is the most agonising and incapacitating physical disorders which owes its origin to multiple physical factors. It is merely a symptom and not a disease whose cause lies elsewhere in the body. Common symptoms are constant pain, at times unbearable and severe difficulty in bending forward and also on sideways etc.
Main herbs used in treatment are Lahsun (Garlic) Lemon Vitamin C, Potato. The diet of those suffering from backache should consist of a salad of raw vegetable such as tomato, carrot, cabbage, cucumber, radish, lettuce, and at least two steamed or lightly cooked vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage, spinach, carrot and plenty of fruits except bananas.
The patients should avoid fatty, spicy, and fried foods, curd, sweetmeats and sugar, condiments, tea and coffee. Foods that have been processed for preservation have few nutrients and should also be eliminated from the diet. Smoking or taking tobacco in any from should be given up completely. Hot formentation, alternate sponging, or application of heat to the back will also give immediate relief.